GM Polygon Community!
The Vote for the Bounty Contest has come to an end. What an eventful couple of weeks!
Big thanks to all of the teams that participated, their communities for their enthusiastic support, and all of you that voted throughout the competition!
Here is the list of the winners and the prizes they won:
1st Place - Satyug
- Selection of two Polygon Village audit and marketing vouchers, and;
- Selection of all general Polygon Village vouchers.
or, - $10,000.00 in grant funding, and;
- Selection of all general Polygon Village vouchers.
2nd Place - Zinar
- Selection of one Polygon village audit and marketing vouchers, and;
- Selection of 4 general Polygon Village vouchers.
or, - $5,000.00 in grant funding, and;
- Selection of 4 general Polygon Village vouchers.
3rd Place - Polygon Alliance
- Selection of 4 general Polygon Village vouchers.
The Polygon Village Team will be shortly in contact with you!
As promised, community members that have voted during the course of the competition will be receiving PolygonID merch!!
Keep an eye out for the announcement with details on how to claim.
Last but not least, we would like to encourage you to fill up the satisfaction survey, which will allow us to gain meaningful insights into your experience while using PolygonID and Grailapp for voting, helping us ultimately to improve the products!