Polygon community Forum Recap [March 2023]

Hello, forum friends! It’s time for our third update, and we couldn’t be more excited to share all the latest and greatest news with you!

So get ready to buckle up and hold on tight, because we’re about to take you on a ride that you won’t forget! :fireworks:

What happened in March?

Highlights of the Month!

  • Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta is now live!! :partying_face:
  • There is a new Bor v0.3.7 - Mainnet and Mumbai release :eyes:


PoS Discussions

:point_right:Check the Forum posts and contribute to the ongoing discusions!!

zkEVM Discussions

  • The zkEVM team has announced the launch of the zkEVM Mainnet Beta on Mainnet!! :fireworks:
  • Check out the projects deploying on it here.

That’s the recap for March 2023. We encourage you to explore the discussions taking place in different categories and chime in if you have thoughts, questions, comments, and of course, any proposal ideas.

Thanks for reading!


Am i the only that thinks differences between polygon and zKevm are not mentioned or highlighted often enough ?
FE ; i would’ve appreciated some info on how zKevm and polygon compliment or differ from eachother and how these diffs. come to light in these new updates and usecases ?

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Hey there! The difference is in the computation, that’s it! Polygon chain we know and love is Proof of Stake - zkEVM is the zero-knowledge version of this chain. It’s running separately so nothing on PoS is affected. What a ZK proof does is allow for even greater computation while being more efficient. The most exciting part is that it is equivalent to ethereum, meaning the smart contracts are easy to deploy if you’re already familiar with Eth as it’s equivalent to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

The main use case for zkEVM depends on the Dapp, but typically it’s best used for products expecting high volume transactions. We hope many of our games wind up using this technology among many other use cases.

This is definitely not complete, but hope this is helpful!

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