Polygon Forum Recap [January 2023]

Welcome to our first-ever monthly update! We will be posting a summary of the latest forum activity and highlights of the month! :hugs:

What happened in January?

  • The Delhi Hardfork has passed! :partying_face:
  • There are new proposals in the PoS section :eyes:
  • There is an announcement about the new Polygon corporate entities :mega:


PoS Discussions

  • @StakePool, a PoS Validator, has proposed an improvement in monitoring for validator nodes.
  • PIP-5 and PIP-6 have passed in the recent Hardfork, with all the active validators of the network upgraded their clients to the new version which includes changes to the BaseFeeChangeDenominator and SprintLength parameters. The corresponding 3.6 billion $MATIC staked by both validators and delegators keeps the chain secure.
  • @moyed_a41, submitted a proposal, which proposes a re-delegation of the forced unseated funds that are owned by Polygon Foundation, for nodes that are already in GP2 period and possibly will be off-boarded from the Validators set.

zkEVM Discussions

That’s the recap for January 2023. We encourage you to explore the discussions taking place in different categories and chime in if you have thoughts, questions, comments, and of course, any proposal ideas.

Thanks for reading! :purple_heart: