Upcoming Incaberry hardfork preparation <>zkEVM Mainnet:

Date: Tues, 7th Nov 2023

Time: 03:00 PM UTC / 04:00 PM CET

Duration: ~1 hour operationAs a preparation for the the Incaberry upgrade, the mainnet node will be updated to v0.3.3 and prover to v3.0.0. There are updates to the RPC, sequencer and synchroniserThe network will be available, except for ~2 min for sequencer restart. Communication will be done when the network resumes operations.
Things to note:
Note that the version v0.3.2 with Prover v3.0.0 are required to be able to upgrade the network to Incaberry. Although, partners are recommended to update to v0.3.3. Note that the version v0.3.1 with Prover v2.2.2 and earlier would be obsolete. Before Incaberry is Live on mainnet, infrastructure partners will need to update to the latest versions of the node and prover. The GitHub repos and changelogs would be found here:

What needs to be done:

  1. Standby for the node updates/instructions on Tuesday
  2. Stay updated on the progress through official communication channels
  3. For infrastructure partners, after the Tuesday update, please follow the instructions to update to node v0.3.3 here