Unable to see Polydoge in Polygon V2 Wallet

Hey guys. I can see my polydoge (on the polygon network) both in my Coinbase wallet and in Polyscan.

However, it does not show up in my polygon wallet.

For that matter, you can’t search for it either in the wallet.

Is this an update missing on your side?

Hello @Shawn_Best Thanks for reaching to polygon Forums. Customer service may take some time to respond due to a large number of requests. We believe your case will be resolved as soon as possible. Kindly visit the polygon support live chat website

As of today, this issue is still unresolved.

When will POLYDOGE be added to the Polygon V2 Wallet database?

It seems a bit ridiculous that POLYDOGE - currently #7 on the Top 10 Holdings of the Top 1000 Matic Wallet - remains unlisted on the Polygon V2 Wallet.

Would you please provide insight into this matter? It would be most appreciated. :blush: :+1:

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