Trouble with Polygon bridge transfer and possible fake support

Hello, I created a transfer of MATIC from Polygon network to Ethereum network on Saturday using Plasma bridge. I knew that there would be a 7 day challenge period and I accepted this, but the transaction actually asked me to confirm fairly quickly and now shows up in transactions as complete. I however do not have the funds in my account. They all seem to have gone to the contract address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001010. Even though it shows as complete in Transactions will I still be OK once the 7 days pass?

Since I was confused I made a support ticket but I fear I received spoof emails. I received an email telling me to use this site: to confirm the transaction this seems fake, and when I attempted it wants to charge like 4 eth.

Can anyone help me figure out what’s going on here? I’m glad to just wait out the 7 days it just seems like something may not have gone right.



So sorry about this @defipyk , would you please provide the transaction hash and your wallet public address through a direct message to me.

@defipyk, is a legit website, used for pushing through stuck transactions. Since the transaction was for 4 ETH, either gas is really expensive or there would have been an error in the contract. My guess is there would be an error in the contract since the 7 day period was not complete. Your best bet is to wait the 7 days, and sign in to to see if you have a ‘Pending Transaction’ in the top-right corner of the screen. If not, please try again.

Hope that helps!

Not sure if the user is with Polygon but the link shared was a trustable one.

Mostly a scammer since he is asking for DM

Nah mate.
the ones with hyphens or similar websites are bullshit. They’re mirrors trying to get you to lock in with your metamask details, then they siphon everything.

I’ve got a similar issue like you. My MATIC is in my wallet, but when transferring, it must go through 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001010 which is a smart contract. This is not accepted by any exchanges as it is a smart contract. You then have to pay to reverse it, not fix or resolve it.

My matic is stuck in the polygon network too, with all these scammers telling me to visit the same website you were forwarded to. Don’t know why the admins here don’t boot and ban them, or even make an automatic censor of the fake links.

It’s dropped my confidence in MATIC. If they can’t get western-level customer service/support, and early adopters like us get scammed/lose money, then it’s not going to prosper, despite its technological claims and partnerships.

For what it’s worth, this exact same thing happened to me too, send me a link to a page asking for my pass phrase… just a lotta NOPE

If you used the plasma bridge, wait 7 days and check Polygon Web Wallet v2 again. What you are describing is normal behavior.