Thrive Polygon Update: June 11th to July 15th 🚀

Season 1 Thrive Polygon Kickoff :tada:

Greetings everyone!

On June 11th, we proudly launched Thrive Polygon’s Consumer Crypto Grants Program for builders on Polygon. Partnering with Polygon’s Community Treasury Board, Thrive Protocol is distributing $800,000 in MATIC grants to top consumer crypto builders in web3.

# Thrive Protocol is proud to have been selected as the Board’s first grants allocator for Season 01 of the Polygon Community Grants Program.

This season, we are supporting builders across 8 categories:

  • AI x Crypto
  • Decentralized Social
  • Gaming & Autonomous Worlds
  • NFT Innovation
  • Content Co-Creation
  • Digital/Physical Intersections
  • Scenecoins/Distributed Communities
  • Gamified Commerce

By the July 1st deadline, we received 255 applications. Here’s a bit about the applicant pool:

  • AI x Crypto: 44 (17.3%)
  • Decentralized Social: 34 (13.3%)
  • Gaming & Autonomous Worlds: 46 (18.0%)
  • NFT Innovation: 38 (14.9%)
  • Content Co-Creation: 14 (5.5%)
  • Digital/Physical Intersections: 45 (17.7%)
  • Scenecoins/Distributed Communities: 16 (6.3%)
  • Gamified Commerce: 18 (7.1%)

  • 1-2 people: 71 (27.9%)
  • 2-5 people: 96 (37.7%)
  • 6-10 people: 57 (22.4%)
  • More than 10 people: 31 (12.2%)

  • Idea (No MVP): 52 (20.4%)
  • Early (MVP): 105 (41.2%)
  • Mid-stage (on mainnet): 76 (29.8%)
  • Scale (some traction): 22 (8.6%)

  • Thrive Protocol: 49.0%
  • Polygon: 27.1%
  • Word of Mouth : 23.9%

Over the past two weeks, we leveraged Thrive Protocol’s powerful social graph of decentralized reviews to assess these applications to identify the teams and projects best fit for the Consumer Grants track.

The review was extremely difficult given the unprecedented quality of applications received. Nevertheless, the accepted projects for Season 1 of Thrive Polygon are (in alphabetical order):

Here are some stats about the 25 accepted projects applicants:

Consumer Crypto Categories

  • AI x Crypto: 6
  • Decentralized Social: 1
  • Gaming & Autonomous Worlds: 5
  • NFT Innovation: 3
  • Content Co-Creation: 1
  • Digital/Physical Intersections: 5
  • Scenecoins/Distributed Communities: 2
  • Gamified Commerce: 2

Team Size

  • 1-2 people: 5
  • 2-5 people: 7
  • 6-10 people: 9
  • More than 10 people: 4

Stage of Development

  • Idea (No MVP): 2
  • Early (MVP): 6
  • Mid-stage (on mainnet): 11
  • Scale (some traction): 6

We are thrilled to have all 25 of these incredible consumer crypto teams and projects on board and look forward to working with them over the coming months.

Community Growth & Contributions :seedling:

Thrive Polygon isn’t just about grantees – we have an incredible program that allows all Polygon community members to contribute to the ecosystem. In just 6 weeks, our community has thrived – and the best is yet to come!

Since June 11th, nearly 1,200 unique contributors have made more than 1,330 contributions to the Polygon ecosystem. We offer numerous ways for builders, developers, and creatives to earn MATIC by contributing value to the Polygon community. Whether it’s writing X/Twitter threads, creating memes, joining Discord AMAs, or tackling larger projects, we’re creating opportunities for talented community members to make meaningful contributions and get rewarded proportionately. :gem:

Look out for an incredible slate of new contribution listings from featuring our grantees in the coming weeks. Earn MATIC for helping them build, evolve and scale into the next generation of consumer crypto category leaders!

Social Media Buzz :chart_with_upwards_trend:

We’re growing our social media presence to better promote Polygon contributors, and it is flourishing! We’ve gained nearly 2,300 new followers, with over 92,000 impressions on X/Twitter. Our six Spaces and Discord calls have attracted over 7,000 listeners. Check out a few of our recent Spaces to learn more about the Consumer Crypto Grants program:

Stay Connected! :globe_with_meridians:

Join the Thrive Protocol Discord, tune into our future Spaces, and follow @thrivepolygon on X/Twitter (turn on notifications) to stay updated on all the exciting activities in the Thrive Polygon community.

Thrive on, Polygon! :rocket:


Wow amazing a good project Thank you very much