Solution: Panic issue wrong block header app.Hash: expected xxxx... got xxxx"

We had found an issue where it was creating a sync error between Heimdall and Bor nodes. We have now fixed the issue and here is what you have to do in order to make sure your nodes are functioning correctly. Please note that you only need to follow these. You won’t need to make changes to the config or re-stake.

> For Linux Packages

For folks who have encountered the panic issue:

  1. Stop heimdall services. To Stop heimdall service you can run sudo service heimdalld stop and then stop bridge and rest-servers accordingly by running sudo service heimdalld-bridge stop and sudo service heimdalld-rest-server stop
  2. Then reset heimdall by running heimdalld unsafe-reset-all This will basically reset your heimdall config.
  3. Now can go ahead an uninstall the package by running sudo dpkg -r matic-heimdall
  4. Now you will need to download the latest Ubuntu package which has the fix. To do that you can run $ wget
  5. Then run sudo dpkg -i matic-heimdall_1.2.0_amd64.deb This installs Heimdall back on your machine.
  6. And then start Heimdall and depending services
  7. sudo service heimdalld start
  8. sudo service heimdalld-rest-server start
  9. sudo service heimdalld-bridge start

For the validators that did not face this issue, you will need to do the following steps to make sure your nodes are running correctly:

  1. Stop heimdall services. To Stop heimdall service you can run sudo service heimdalld stop and then stop bridge and rest-servers accordingly by running sudo service heimdalld-bridge stop and sudo service heimdalld-rest-server stop
  2. Now can go ahead an uninstall the package by running sudo dpkg -r matic-heimdall
  3. Now you will need to download the latest Ubuntu package which has the fix. To do that you can run $ wget
  4. Then run sudo dpkg -i matic-heimdall_1.2.0_amd64.deb This installs Heimdall back on your machine.
  5. And then start Heimdall and depending services
  6. sudo service heimdalld start
  7. sudo service heimdalld-rest-server start
  8. sudo service heimdalld-bridge start

> For Binaries

For folks who encountered the issue:

If heimdall is running, kill the process.

$ pkill heimdalld
$ pkill heimdalld-bridge
$ rm -rf $HEIMDALLDIR/bridge

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ cd heimdall
$ git pull

// Checkout to the public-testnet version (with fixes)

$ git checkout cs-2002-1
$ make install

That will install the heimdalld and heimdallcli binaries. Verify that everything is OK:

$ heimdalld --help

Before starting do verify you are on the correct version by running the below command

$ heimdallcli version --long

Reset and run Heimdall

$ heimdalld unsafe-reset-all
$ heimdalld start
$ heimdalld rest-server
$ bridge start --all
For the validators that did not face this issue, you will need to do the following steps to make sure your nodes are running correctly:

If heimdall is running, kill the process.

$ pkill heimdalld
$ pkill heimdalld-bridge
$ rm -rf $HEIMDALLDIR/bridge

cd $GOPATH/src/
$ cd heimdall
$ git pull

// Checkout to the public-testnet version (with fixes)
$ git checkout cs-2002-1
$ make install

That will install the heimdalld and heimdallcli binaries. Verify that everything is OK:

$ heimdalld --help

Before starting do verify you are on the correct version by running the below command

$ heimdallcli version --long

Reset and run Heimdall

$ heimdalld start
$ heimdalld rest-server
$ bridge start --all

After you have done your setup you need to make sure that you are on the current heimdall version. To check you need to run heimdallcli version --long

Your output should look like this:

heimdallcli version --long
name: heimdall
server_name: heimdalld
client_name: heimdallcli
version: cs-2002-1
commit: 83f754db6198919fc72c6f27ebfa198b1e3b14be
go: go version go1.13 linux/amd64