Smartcontracts deployment with Truffle

I am trying to deploy my contracts following the exact from your documentation Using Truffle | Matic Network | Documentation. I am unable to deploy.
First it showed me

Error: PollingBlockTracker - encountered an error while attempting to update latest block:
Error: Unknown Error: {"error":"Host Not Found","status_code":404}

and then I updated URL to now its giving another error message as

  message: 'Too Many Requests',

Yes, I tried creating one with maticvigil as mentioned in the doc. But still having lots of errors.
My Url is<key>.
Now I am getting this.

RuntimeError: abort([object Object]). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.

Also tried<key> .
See the error message. What is seriously going on? Is it something with my configs or with this network?

Now again this.

:frowning: :exploding_head: