SITA : An inclusive agricultural credit platform


What is SITA?
SITA is an open lending platform that utilizes real-time soil data through sensors and satellite information to assess the creditworthiness and repayment capacity of farmers by predicting their yield in the upcoming cycle. Unlike traditional credit calculation methods, which focus solely on history and leave many agriculturalists in need, SITA emphasizes future prospects and on-ground prosperity. We enable farmers to create loan requests and allow lenders to browse active requests, fulfill them, and earn interest. Lenders are provided with tools to analyze the farmer’s profile, such as credit assesment, historical greenery data and a community-driven rating system. Although the platform assesses credit value and repayment capacity, neither the farmer nor the lender is bound to those assessments. If both parties agree on the loan terms,
SITA is addressing a critical and widespread challenge in agricultural financing that affects small and marginal farmers (SMFs) across Asia and the world. Traditional finance systems, burdened by stringent requirements, high costs, and a lack of tailored solutions, often exclude these farmers. This exclusion leads to a significant gap in access to capital, hindering agricultural growth and sustainability. The problem is not confined to a specific region but is a pervasive issue that impacts a substantial portion of the global farming population, underscoring the urgent need for innovative solutions.
Faces behind SITA
Chetany Bhardwaj: Founder and computer science student, driven by a vision to leverage technology for agricultural advancement. Twitter | LinkedIn
Liam Faruq: Full-stack developer with a professional background in fintech and a keen interest in NFTs. Twitter | LinkedIn
Nat Sangkagalo: Product designer with a focus on web3, contributing her design expertise to the SITA platform. Twitter | LinkedIn
Sergey Gerodes: Full-stack developer with a diverse skill set in programming languages and architectural design. Twitter | LinkedIn
Hosuk Chung: Technical advisor and frontend developer, providing valuable guidance and technical support to the team. Twitter | LinkedIn
Roadmap for SITA
Fresh out of the EthGlobal Paris hackathon, we are currently refining our project to launch an MVP as soon as possible. This will kick off our testnet phase, where we fine-tune SITA within a limited geographic region, adding features leading to the mainnet launch in more places around the world where SITA will assist agriculturalists.
Connect with SITA


very interesting project, @chethack . Thanks for sharing with us.

What geographic region are you thinking of using to test SITA? Do you already have testers?


Problem is valid but why did you post here?

  • Are you based on polygon?
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We are based on Polygon and are in talks with Polygon team over some work that they are doing that will be beneficial for SITA as well :grin:


Glad you liked our project.
We haven’t pin pointed what exact region we want to start with but it will likely be somewhere in India.