Proposal: Increase block interval & wiggle time

Thank you @web3nodes for starting this discussion and @Thogard for the thoughtful and thorough response.

I’d appreciate some perspective on the following points. This feels like a pretty big change.

In an ideal world, I’d like to -

1 -Understand the severity of the problem on the network, particularly user impact

Is this causing a significant degradation of service to users?

2 - Understand the risk/reward benefit of the proposed change

The proposal states that the network performance shouldn’t be impacted in a detrimental way. Is that what the testnet proved?

3 - See this tested on a testnet run by the validator set or have the full internal testnet results published for review.

Depending on the above, I could see a few paths forward -

A - Proceed with the original proposal, at least as a temporary solution to the issue

B - Proceed with an alternate proposal, i.e. different block interval and wiggle time durations or increasing validator hardware requirements

C - Do nothing for now, while a more complete and deterministic analysis is conducted

Right now, I don’t feel I have enough information to make an informed decision one way or another.