Program or API to generate wallet address - pub/private key pair

We are developing a web application, that requires polygon wallet address (Public/Private key) to be created each time.

Is there a wallet program / API that Polygon provides?


Hi there, You can visit the Document page and I think the link provided below will help you.

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Hi I just looked at the docs. I don’t see a call for creating a wallet that generates the keys. I see things to query an existing address. Can you point me to the key pair veneration?

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We ended up using to generate wallet addresses for Polygon (Matic). The Ethereum and Polygon Public/Private keys are the same.

We use to read amounts in Public matic address. To post transactions to matic network we are using Infura API.

I wish polygon can publish well documented code samples on how to send transactions programatically using popular api services like Infura, alchemy, moralis etc.

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Hi hope you’re doing well
the link you provided is broken