Polygon-edge shows error while trying to send transaction on metamask

Hi I am representing SpringRole.

We are trying to create a sidechain to polygon using polygon-edge.

I had setup the blockchain on local and connected with Metamask.

I am facing problem testing sending transactions.
When ever I open the SEND page on metamask, errors are shown on a validator node terminal which metamask is connected. logs: https://mclo.gs/5Pw7rL4 .

And I am unable to proceeded further on Metamask, Next button greys out.

Has anyone faced it ?
There could be mostly an issue with Polygon-edge. Any help for the fix is appreciated.

yes, I am still facing the issue.

Sure, I have initiated conversation on live chat as well. thanks.

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No, not yet. I have informed the issue, still waiting for the final response.
Meanwhile I has raised github issue: https://github.com/0xPolygon/polygon-edge/issues/443

Thank you, I just initiated another live chat