Polygon DAO & EthNYC - June 24th-26th 2022

Polygon DAO is omnipresent and connects the professional realm of life with personal life. The combination of Web 3 and personal principles gives new meaning to the words trust, principles, and community. The words seem simple, but they have great meaning behind them and for me are the foundation of a DAO.

When we talk about trust, we need to know more about ourselves.

  1. One idea might be to present these values and principles on Web 3, focusing on self-knowledge, and then run an engaging self-awareness workshop to communicate the value and uncover the why.

With this in mind, it makes sense to talk about learning and growth series, workshops, events, conversations, social events, and partnerships that showcase what we do at Polygon DAO and that we are actively working to create a supportive, thriving community, how we ensure trust and a healthy community where people find a sense of purpose and belonging.

Engage event attendees with workshops, giveaways, and rewards, and stay in touch with them after the event. Make sure we take care of them once they are in our channel and get them to the right place where they feel valued and excited about what they are doing.

  1. Another possible idea would be to facilitate a social gathering at the event organised by Polygon DAO where people can come together, have a conversation, get to know each other and build a foundation for a relationship.

Thanks @navic ā€¦You have rightly worded it :- ā€œPeople should find a sense of belonging & purposeā€. Focus should be to tap thatā€¦


Thanks to all those who have written and shared their thoughts and ideas.

After reading and studying all the answers, the two main indications are:

  • involve all communities and make the DAO more open and visible
  • explain to everyone what we are doing

The best way to make the event as accessible as possible is to organize it in the metaverse. We are therefore studying the best ways to organize an event with a very broad media coverage to be held after the summer.

While not organizing its own event, Polygon DAO will be at NFT NYC, participating in DAO NYC, details of which will be announced soon.