PIP-17: Polygon Ecosystem Token (POL)

PIP-17: Polygon Ecosystem Token (POL)

Authors: Mihailo Bjelic, Mudit Gupta, Will Schwab, Daniel Gretzke, Dhairya Sethi, Ankit Maity, Harry Rook, Mateusz Rzeszowski

Type: Contracts

Table of Contents:

  • Abstract
  • Motivation
  • Specification
    • POL Token Contract
    • Migration Contract
    • Emission Manager Contract
  • Backward Compatibility
  • Security Considerations
  • References
    • Implementation
  • Copyright


This proposal describes an upgrade to MATIC (0x7d1afa7b718fb893db30a3abc0cfc608aacfebb0) in the form of the Polygon Ecosystem Token (POL). POL is the upgraded native token of Polygon 2.0, along with its accompanying contracts and initial configurations to handle emission management and token migration. POL allows for a one-to-one migration with MATIC with an initial supply of 10 billion POL and yearly emission of 2% that will be equally distributed to stakers and a community treasury contract.


The token of the Polygon PoS chain, MATIC, powered this single chain that allowed Ethereum to scale during times of high network congestion. Polygon 2.0 is the next iteration in the Ethereum scaling journey, with zero-knowledge proofs (“zk”) facilitating the expansion of Ethereum block-space across a multitude of L2 chains whilst also inheriting its security.

POL represents a next-generation token able to accommodate an ecosystem of zk-based Layer 2 chains by enabling the following utility:

  • Staking,
  • Community ownership, and
  • Governance.


POL Token Contract

A token contract, POL, is proposed, broadly based on the MIT-licensed OpenZeppelin ERC20 implementations which provide support for the default ERC20 standard, along with some non-standard functions for allowance modifications. The implementation also provides support for EIP-2612: Signature-Based Permit Approvals.

Upon genesis, an initial supply of 10 billion will be minted to a migration contract (see below for details). Further mints may be called by an emission manager contract (see below for details). An additional check-in mint function requires the mint rate to be less than 10 POL per second.

The POL token contract is not upgradeable.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.21;

import {ERC20, ERC20Permit} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Permit.sol";
import {AccessControlEnumerable} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/AccessControlEnumerable.sol";
import {IPolygonEcosystemToken} from "./interfaces/IPolygonEcosystemToken.sol";

/// @title Polygon ERC20 token
/// @author Polygon Labs (@DhairyaSethi, @gretzke, @qedk)
/// @notice This is the Polygon ERC20 token contract on Ethereum L1
/// @dev The contract allows for a 1-to-1 representation between $POL and $MATIC and allows for additional emission based on hub and treasury requirements
/// @custom:security-contact [email protected]
contract PolygonEcosystemToken is ERC20Permit, AccessControlEnumerable, IPolygonEcosystemToken {
    bytes32 public constant EMISSION_ROLE = keccak256("EMISSION_ROLE");
    bytes32 public constant CAP_MANAGER_ROLE = keccak256("CAP_MANAGER_ROLE");
    uint256 public mintPerSecondCap = 10e18; // 10 POL tokens per second
    uint256 public lastMint;

        address migration,
        address emissionManager,
        address governance
    ) ERC20("Polygon Ecosystem Token", "POL") ERC20Permit("Polygon Ecosystem Token") {
        if (migration == address(0) || emissionManager == address(0) || governance == address(0))
            revert InvalidAddress();
        _grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, governance);
        _grantRole(EMISSION_ROLE, emissionManager);
        _grantRole(CAP_MANAGER_ROLE, governance);
        _mint(migration, 10_000_000_000e18);
        // we can safely set lastMint here since the emission manager is initialised after the token and won't hit the cap.
        lastMint = block.timestamp;

    /// @notice Mint token entrypoint for the emission manager contract
    /// @dev The function only validates the sender, the emission manager is responsible for correctness
    /// @param to Address to mint to
    /// @param amount Amount to mint
    function mint(address to, uint256 amount) external onlyRole(EMISSION_ROLE) {
        uint256 timeElapsedSinceLastMint = block.timestamp - lastMint;
        uint256 maxMint = timeElapsedSinceLastMint * mintPerSecondCap;
        if (amount > maxMint) revert MaxMintExceeded(maxMint, amount);

        lastMint = block.timestamp;
        _mint(to, amount);

    /// @notice Update the limit of tokens that can be minted per second
    /// @param newCap the amount of tokens in 18 decimals as an absolute value
    function updateMintCap(uint256 newCap) external onlyRole(CAP_MANAGER_ROLE) {
        emit MintCapUpdated(mintPerSecondCap, newCap);
        mintPerSecondCap = newCap;

Migration Contract

The migration contract will accept two addresses, one for the MATIC token and one for the POL token respectively.

The contract shall receive the entire initial 10 billion POL supply in order to allow 1-to-1 swaps for the entire 10 billion MATIC supply.

Governance can lock and unlock the ability to unmigrate POL tokens back into an equivalent amount of MATIC.

This contract is upgradeable via Governance. The initial implementation is described below.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.21;

import {IERC20} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {IERC20Permit} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/IERC20Permit.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import {Ownable2StepUpgradeable} from "openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/contracts/access/Ownable2StepUpgradeable.sol";
import {IPolygonMigration} from "./interfaces/IPolygonMigration.sol";

/// @title Polygon Migration
/// @author Polygon Labs (@DhairyaSethi, @gretzke, @qedk)
/// @notice This is the migration contract for Matic <-> Polygon ERC20 token on Ethereum L1
/// @dev The contract allows for a 1-to-1 conversion from $MATIC into $POL and vice-versa
/// @custom:security-contact [email protected]
contract PolygonMigration is Ownable2StepUpgradeable, IPolygonMigration {
    using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
    using SafeERC20 for IERC20Permit;

    IERC20 public polygon;
    IERC20 public matic;
    bool public unmigrationLocked;

    modifier onlyUnmigrationUnlocked() {
        if (unmigrationLocked) revert UnmigrationLocked();

    constructor() {
        // so that the implementation contract cannot be initialized

    function initialize(address matic_) external initializer {
        if (matic_ == address(0)) revert InvalidAddress();
        matic = IERC20(matic_);

    /// @notice This function allows owner/governance to set POL token address *only once*
    /// @param polygon_ Address of deployed POL token
    function setPolygonToken(address polygon_) external onlyOwner {
        if (polygon_ == address(0) || address(polygon) != address(0)) revert InvalidAddressOrAlreadySet();
        polygon = IERC20(polygon_);

    /// @notice This function allows for migrating MATIC tokens to POL tokens
    /// @dev The function does not do any validation since the migration is a one-way process
    /// @param amount Amount of MATIC to migrate
    function migrate(uint256 amount) external {
        emit Migrated(msg.sender, amount);

        matic.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        polygon.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);

    /// @notice This function allows for unmigrating from POL tokens to MATIC tokens
    /// @param amount Amount of POL to migrate
    function unmigrate(uint256 amount) external onlyUnmigrationUnlocked {
        emit Unmigrated(msg.sender, amount);

        polygon.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        matic.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);

    /// @notice This function allows for unmigrating POL tokens (from msg.sender) to MATIC tokens (to account)
    /// @param amount Amount of POL to migrate
    /// @param account Address to receive MATIC tokens
    function unmigrateTo(address account, uint256 amount) external onlyUnmigrationUnlocked {
        emit Unmigrated(msg.sender, amount);

        polygon.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        matic.safeTransfer(account, amount);

    /// @notice This function allows for unmigrating from POL tokens to MATIC tokens using an EIP-2612 permit
    /// @param amount Amount of POL to migrate
    function unmigrateWithPermit(
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 deadline,
        uint8 v,
        bytes32 r,
        bytes32 s
    ) external onlyUnmigrationUnlocked {
        emit Unmigrated(msg.sender, amount);

        IERC20Permit(address(polygon)).safePermit(msg.sender, address(this), amount, deadline, v, r, s);
        polygon.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        matic.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);

    /// @notice Allows governance to lock or unlock the unmigration process
    /// @dev The function does not do any validation since governance can update the unmigration process if required
    /// @param unmigrationLocked_ New unmigration lock status
    function updateUnmigrationLock(bool unmigrationLocked_) external onlyOwner {
        unmigrationLocked = unmigrationLocked_;
        emit UnmigrationLockUpdated(unmigrationLocked_);

     * @dev This empty reserved space is put in place to allow future versions to add new
     * variables without shifting down storage in the inheritance chain.
     * See https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/4.x/upgradeable#storage_gaps
    uint256[50] private __gap;

Emission Manager Contract

The emission manager contract has the exclusive ability to mint new POL tokens and is implemented to distribute the tokens as follows:

  • 1% annual compounding emission is minted to the PoS staking contract (0x5e3ef299fddf15eaa0432e6e66473ace8c13d908) for staking rewards. After minting the appropriate amount of POL, the migration contract will be used to ensure that staking rewards continue to be paid out in MATIC, maximizing backward compatibility.
  • 1% annual compounding emission is minted to a community treasury. Upon the deployment of contracts introduced in this proposal, a multi-signature wallet (0x2ff25495d77f380d5F65B95F103181aE8b1cf898) will be used to safeguard the funds until Community Board supervision is enacted.

A publicly callable function that is callable by any address can trigger the immediate minting of all vested emission.

This contract is upgradeable via Governance. The initial implementation is described below.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.21;

import {IPolygonEcosystemToken} from "./interfaces/IPolygonEcosystemToken.sol";
import {IPolygonMigration} from "./interfaces/IPolygonMigration.sol";
import {IDefaultEmissionManager} from "./interfaces/IDefaultEmissionManager.sol";
import {Ownable2StepUpgradeable} from "openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/contracts/access/Ownable2StepUpgradeable.sol";
import {Initializable} from "openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/contracts/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import {PowUtil} from "./lib/PowUtil.sol";

/// @title Default Emission Manager
/// @author Polygon Labs (@DhairyaSethi, @gretzke, @qedk)
/// @notice A default emission manager implementation for the Polygon ERC20 token contract on Ethereum L1
/// @dev The contract allows for a 1% mint *each* per year (compounded every year) to the stakeManager and treasury contracts
/// @custom:security-contact [email protected]
contract DefaultEmissionManager is Initializable, Ownable2StepUpgradeable, IDefaultEmissionManager {
    using SafeERC20 for IPolygonEcosystemToken;

    // log2(2%pa continuously compounded emission per year) in 18 decimals, see _inflatedSupplyAfter
    uint256 public constant INTEREST_PER_YEAR_LOG2 = 0.028569152196770894e18;
    uint256 public constant START_SUPPLY = 10_000_000_000e18;
    address private immutable DEPLOYER;

    IPolygonEcosystemToken public token;
    IPolygonMigration public migration;
    address public stakeManager;
    address public treasury;

    uint256 public startTimestamp;

    constructor() {
        DEPLOYER = msg.sender;
        // so that the implementation contract cannot be initialized

    function initialize(
        address token_,
        address migration_,
        address stakeManager_,
        address treasury_,
        address owner_
    ) external initializer {
        // prevent front-running since we can't initialize on proxy deployment
        if (DEPLOYER != msg.sender) revert();
        if (
            token_ == address(0) ||
            migration_ == address(0) ||
            stakeManager_ == address(0) ||
            treasury_ == address(0) ||
            owner_ == address(0)
        ) revert InvalidAddress();

        token = IPolygonEcosystemToken(token_);
        migration = IPolygonMigration(migration_);
        stakeManager = stakeManager_;
        treasury = treasury_;
        startTimestamp = block.timestamp;

        assert(START_SUPPLY == token.totalSupply());

        token.safeApprove(migration_, type(uint256).max);
        // initial ownership setup bypassing 2 step ownership transfer process

    /// @notice Allows anyone to mint tokens to the stakeManager and treasury contracts based on current emission rates
    /// @dev Minting is done based on totalSupply diffs between the currentTotalSupply (maintained on POL, which includes any
    /// previous mints) and the newSupply (calculated based on the time elapsed since deployment)
    function mint() external {
        uint256 currentSupply = token.totalSupply(); // totalSupply after the last mint
        uint256 newSupply = _inflatedSupplyAfter(
            block.timestamp - startTimestamp // time elapsed since deployment
        uint256 amountToMint = newSupply - currentSupply;
        if (amountToMint == 0) return; // no minting required

        uint256 treasuryAmt = amountToMint / 2;
        uint256 stakeManagerAmt = amountToMint - treasuryAmt;

        emit TokenMint(amountToMint, msg.sender);

        token.mint(address(this), amountToMint);
        token.safeTransfer(treasury, treasuryAmt);
        // backconvert POL to MATIC before sending to StakeManager
        migration.unmigrateTo(stakeManager, stakeManagerAmt);

    /// @notice Returns total supply from compounded emission after timeElapsed from startTimestamp (deployment)
    /// @param timeElapsed The time elapsed since startTimestamp
    /// @dev interestRatePerYear = 1.02; 2% per year
    /// approximate the compounded interest rate using x^y = 2^(log2(x)*y)
    /// where x is the interest rate per year and y is the number of seconds elapsed since deployment divided by 365 days in seconds
    /// log2(interestRatePerYear) = 0.028569152196770894 with 18 decimals, as the interest rate does not change, hard code the value
    /// @return supply total supply from compounded emission after timeElapsed
    function _inflatedSupplyAfter(uint256 timeElapsed) private pure returns (uint256 supply) {
        uint256 supplyFactor = PowUtil.exp2((INTEREST_PER_YEAR_LOG2 * timeElapsed) / 365 days);
        supply = (supplyFactor * START_SUPPLY) / 1e18;

     * @dev This empty reserved space is put in place to allow future versions to add new
     * variables without shifting down storage in the inheritance chain.
     * See https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/4.x/upgradeable#storage_gaps
    uint256[50] private __gap;

Backward Compatibility

This proposal does not change any active systems on either the Polygon PoS or Polygon zkEVM networks. All existing contracts will function as previously designed.

Security Considerations

In the event of an exploit, to prevent arbitrary amounts of POL being minted, there is a variable hard cap on the maximum amount of tokens allowed to be minted per second. It is initialized at a maximum allowed number of 10 POL to be minted per second.

Due to the size, complexity, and importance of the proposed POL contracts, there will be several internal and external code audits to ensure the security of the implementation detailed above.




All copyrights and related rights in this work are waived under CC0 1.0 Universal.


Github: https://github.com/maticnetwork/Polygon-Improvement-Proposals/blob/main/PIPs/PIP-17.md


I’d like to comment on two things and propose a possible alternative:

  1. Status of the burned $Matic tokens until today and re-introduction of the burning mechanism;
  2. The proposed 2% Emission;

Ad 1) I propose to deduct the burned $Matic as per the migration date from the total available amount of $POL. I propose to reinstate a burning mechanism as was used for the POS chain. Both proposals ensure the deflationary mechanism as used by Ethereum and keep $POL aligned with Ethereum.

Ad 2) I propose to not inflate $POL by 2% yearly but to research and find alternatives to fund stakers and treasury. Funding should not come from artificially created (printed) supply of tokens but from business revenues and/or transaction fees.


The cumulative burn is ~19M $MATIC. What would the plasma bridge do with the POL that no one migrates?


It’s really refreshing to hear the implementation of POLYGON 2.0 will begin. I support 100% the proposals. Very brillant !

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I Support the Migration from Matic To Pol, Indead i am Excited for this Migration.

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I’d like to adment my previous proposals and suggest the following alternative:

  1. Keep the 2% yearly emission as proposed by Polygon, adment the following:
  • For the 1% used to facilitate stakers: burn tokens not used to pay validators and stakers at the end of each year;
  • For the 1% used to finance treasury: burn tokens not used to finance concrete products, projects, etc.

If burning is not possible then move unused tokens to a community controlled address with a long term locking period.

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I support the update if it will increase the security of the blockchain

Has polygon researched the possibilty of sovereign bonds.

There are many users who use the polygon chain and not ethereum, sovereign bonds would allow users on polygon to earn POL on polygon using POL.

It would be great if the team shed more light on how is the 1% for staking rewards being determined, as well as the 1% for the treasury.

1. Staking Rewards
For example, the yearly staking rewards allocation is around 250M-260M (Data from the dune query below). Using 1% compound annually will result in 100M-140M POL allocated for yearly staking rewards. The question here will be if the expected amount of validator reward going to decrease, stay the same or increase?

If it is going to stay the same/increase, the remaining reward will come from sequencing of L2 Needs to be >= 150M POL. The current estimated yearly profit for Arbitrum is ~ 7260 ETH, using the current price, it would equal to 22.4M POL. In order to have the same level off incentive for the validators, it would need to have ~7 L2s with similar size of Arbitrum’s profit to make up that 150M POL reward

Data on MATIC Yearly Staking Rewards: https://dune.com/queries/3028411/5032777
Data on Arbitrum Profit: https://dune.com/niftytable/rollup-economics

2. Treasury
The initial allocation for Polygon’s ecosystem growth is 2.33B MATIC in 2019. It has been a success to acquire new partners and ventures. Would like to see if the team can provide the breakdown of the usage of the ecosystem fund to better estimate how much the treasury requires to continuously build the ecosystem in the future. 1% equates to 100M - 140M POL.

Data on Polygon’s Ecosystem Growth: MATIC | Token Unlocks - Your Unlock Schedule & Tokenomics Data

Just my personal view and let me know if you have any questions/if any of the calculation does not make sense


As an extention to the above post, it seems to be missed what will happen to transaction fees?

Do these still go to stakers (As what MATIC currently does), or are they going to be completely burned off.

If stakers also get transcation fees, which currently has an APY of 5-6%~ I dont see why they would need an extra 1% reward ontop of that.

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Love the pips, question, after POL goes live will the remaining Matic continue to be distributed as shown in the emission schedule or will matic be frozen at the circulating supply that it ends up at on the day POL launches?

What is the current inflation rate for matic? Thanks for the dune dash from another user that shows the current matic burn :fire: lfg

Is there concrete/measurable data/threshold that shows Polygon has reached the consensus or gained the support of the majority of the stakeholders in the community?

Since there is no voting mechanism for the time being, would love to see how Polygon (based on what criteria) to determine when has the consensus been reached and decides to implement the upgrade

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Good question, I also wonder how the ‘community is involved’ is actually measured. I hope we’ll get onchain voting soon.

Consensus is achieved through a rough consensus system. Rough consensus systems prioritize inclusivity, collaboration, and flexibility in decision-making. They recognize that reaching a complete agreement is often impractical, but they aim to ensure that the concerns of participants are addressed to the extent possible before moving forward with a decision or action.

Here are some key aspects of how consensus is measured in rough consensus systems:

  • Humming: Instead of formal voting or polling mechanisms, rough consensus often relies on a “humming” process, where participants express their level of support or objection to a proposal.
  • Lack of Strong Objections: Rough consensus typically aims to move forward with a proposal if there are no strong objections. A “strong objection” is typically defined as an objection that presents a significant technical, operational, or security concern that cannot be easily addressed or mitigated.
  • Seeking Rough Consensus: The goal is not to achieve unanimity but to reach a state where the majority of participants are in general agreement, and there are no show-stopping objections. It acknowledges that complete agreement is often unattainable, especially in diverse and decentralized communities.
  • Documenting Dissent: Any significant dissent or objection to a proposal is documented. This transparency ensures that those who review the standards are aware of any concerns raised during the consensus-building process.

In addition to the above, we host and will continue to host open forums (Discord and Twitter) spaces, the Protocol Governance Calls (that are technical calls where the core developers, validators, and infrastructure providers participate), and actively receive feedback on the Community Forum, to determine whether we are a point that can be claimed that rough consensus is achieved.

@S1W, you can check out the Pillars of Governance website for more information on what we are working on in terms of voting, governance roadmap etc.


Thanks! Interesting method, and understandable practical approach to poll stakeholder involvement.

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first off, thanks for opening this up for discussion.

like some of the other community members pointed out, i cannot emphasize enough the importance of having control over the inflation rate. a burning mechanism needs to be addressed here if we are not going to fix the supply of pol. we do not want to get into another ever inflationary deal! also, the portion of already burned matic supply is not addressed here. the initial pol supply does not start from the snapshot of matic at the time of the transition. not sure if this can be truly regarded as an upgrade in its current state.

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@gioser Thanks for the clarity. I believe this is an essential piece of info that the wider community should note!


The POL will either be burned through a contract upgrade or will be stuck in the migration contract for ever because they can’t be claimed.