NFT San Francissco Conference-Polygon Involvement

Dear Polygon,

The NFT San Francisco is writing to ask for Polygon’s involvement in the second annual NFT San Francisco Conference that is taking place November 6-7th. NFT San Francisco is a premier non-fungible token (NFT) conference that is hosted annually in San Francisco. The conference facilitates a series of educational panels and presentations; as well as satellite events in the state of California. Some of the companies that have spoken or participated in the conference include OpenSea, Coinbase, Dapper Labs, Makersplace, eBay, Rarible, and so much more. Many of these companies have economic footprints in San Francisco.

At its inaugural event last year,the Conference was able to attract around 615 attendees. Despite it being its first event, the Conference was able to attract the attention of some of the top executives and CEOs within the Web3 community; as well as investors and developers. Some of the executives and CEOs that participated include the CEO of Rarible, the CEO of Makersplace, the Executive Vice President of Strategy at eBay, and so much more.

The Conference’s prestigious speaker line-up and substantive panel topics brought attendees from as far as New York and China to San Francisco for this event. Additionally, several companies and artistic NFT groups facilitated exciting and well-participated side events, which brought much commerce, interest, and excitement to not just locals, but others that reside within the Bay.

This year, the Conference is looking to facilitate its second annual event at the Palace of Fine Arts. The conference has already secured an amazing lineup of speakers who are executives and CEOs at some of the top Web3 companies including Origyn Foundation, Tron, and Unstoppable Domains. Several CEOs and executives are also returning for their second year to speak again which include Makersplace, Rarible, Juno, Cosmos, etc. The conference is looking to have up to 150+ speakers and more than 900 attendees ranging from founders, developers, investors, and artists. With such growing momentum and interest, the Conference will not only serve as an exciting moment for the web3 community, but also for the tech and artistic communities that still reside within San Francisco.

We weren’t able to get a hold of Polygon reps last year. This year, we are hoping. for better. synergy. and we would love to have Polygon’s representation. Polygon’s reps can learn more about the NFT San Francisco Conference using the following social media links below:



NFT San Francisco Conference


Hi, you can submit the details about the conference here

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Thank you @grendel. I really appreciate it. I just applied.

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