NFT Protect • Self-custody solution for NFT Protection

Project Name: NFT Protect • Decentralized self-custody protocol for safeguarding digital assets from theft and private key compromise

Main Use Case: NFT Protect is a decentralized protocol that aims to safeguard digital assets from various types of theft and private key compromise. With the Protected NFT technology and decentralized dispute resolution layers, users can have confidence that their assets are protected from theft, phishing attacks, social engineering, and accidental transfers.

What do we want to solve thanks to this project: The digital asset market is experiencing significant growth, with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) leading the way. Unfortunately, incidents of theft and private key compromise are too common, resulting in significant losses for asset owners. NFT Protect aims to provide a solution to protect digital assets from theft, phishing attacks, social engineering, and accidental transfers, creating a more secure and reliable market for all participants.

Presentation of the team: Our team consists of highly qualified and experienced professionals with a passion for blockchain technology and digital assets. Our team includes experts in DeFi, digital assets, software development, marketing, and business development, all of whom bring diverse skills and expertise to the table. More info about team members: NFT protect • Team

Road map:

PHASE 1 (Q2 - Q4 2023):

  • Launch of NFT Protect MVP on Ethereum
  • Streamlined interaction with Kleros
  • Additional DID Options (Proof of Humanity)
  • Protection from private key compromise
  • Restoration of all protected NFTs from stolen or lost wallet
  • Scan wallet for valuable NFTs to recommend to users
  • Add pNFT transaction history
  • Dynamic display of pNFT status
  • Partnership program

PHASE 2 (Q3 - Q4 2023):

  • More blockchain support
  • More wallet support

PHASE 3 (Q1 - Q2 2024):

  • ERC-20 Protection
  • More arbitrators support

Link to website:

Links to social channels:

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey to revolutionize the digital asset market by protecting and securing your digital assets with NFT Protect!

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