My trust wallet

Hi I got scammed by this company yesterday, can u please give me my tokens back if it was a mistake

Edward, I am seeking others who have lost to a MATIC sweeper working maliciously through MetaMask and other wallets; search “scam” in this forum to see my other post responses. My goal is to identify $100k or more in losses and file through a professional forensics firm such as CipherBlade. Please let me know…I have lost a lot and want to track this down. My research shows my MATIC were sent to here, and possibly beyond: 0x27239549dd40e1d60f5b80b0c4196923745b1fd2. I have been using Bitquery Explorer, using “Money Flow” to research. Again, please let me know, I have contacts in federal law enforcement and intend to see this through by all legal means.