My matics are lost

My addess is 0x45735CDB1b2FEb777086942a707FF67004a21bAc, I withdraw my matics from polygon to eth network(TXHASH is,but i can’t find any notice.

So, What can i do,and where are my matics,How can i receive matics in my ethereum address? Help Me :sob: :sob: :sob:

Hello, I have the same problem, please someone help me, I wanted a free matic to initiate (matic faucet) , but instead of copying my address, I copied theirs… as a result, I bridged money to them… Thank you

I just made another whitdraw for a test, This time it have one notification,So I’m sure that last transaction was lost.This system must have some bug.

But i can’t find any notification,So i can’t send next step transction. I just made another whitdraw for a test, This time it have one notification.

I can’t find notification,I need to confirm one more transaction to start the 7-day challenge period,but i can’t find notification,so i can’t confirm one transaction to start the 7-day challenge period.

What if i my computer restarts before i arrive at first checkpoint? Where to look for all the transactions/transfers that have been initiated by me?