Matic sent to unsupported Uphold wallet

Hi all. I sent 1074 Matic from Nexo to my Uphold Matic wallet using the Polygon network, which was wrong. (Should have been Eth network). Uphold are saying that they can retrieve them for me…for $500. They can obviously be recovered, so does anyone know how to do this? I could just wait and see if Uphold begins to support the Polygon network. This happened with Coinbase, and customers with the same issue had their tokens recovered. Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Hello again.

I had a reply from a member on here called JOHNDEV regarding retrieving my Matic tokens. He suggested using my Trust wallet to do this but then he stopped communications. Can it be done using Trust wallet? Thanks.

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You were probably interacting with a scammer.
Team members always have the appropriate tags next to their names. Please make sure to check and verify that before trusting anyone that contacts you.

As for the issue you are reporting, it has to do with Uphold. You either can pay them to help you retrieve the token or wait for them to support the Polygon PoS chain. There is not much we can do, unfortunately.

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It looked quite authentic to me to be honest. I’ve attached an email.

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I see how it can sound convincing but it is not the case since:

  1. It redirects you to a website that is not
  2. It asks you to use the barcode, which is probably triggering some sort of transaction to drain your wallet.
  3. No PolygonLabs employee will be ever in a position to issue refunds to your account etc.

In any way, we have already taken measures to prevent this from ever happening to you or any other member of the community.
If you still have the links that were sent to you I strongly advise you not to interact with them. :purple_heart:

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I just noticed that my trust wallet has been completely emptied. As I sent the bar code. Very, very luckily there was very little in it. Maybe $100 as I dont use it much? Could have been another wallet I use with much more. Lesson learned. Phew!!!

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Really sorry to hear that :confused:
Glad it wasn’t an expensive lesson but still sad that it happened.
Please treat that wallet as compromised moving forward (do not deposit assets to it, and do not use it).
And keep in mind that mods here will never dm you, nor will point you anywhere other than the official website and support (Submit a ticket : Polygon Support).

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