Mainnet validator pubKey

Heimdalld corresponding/root/heimdalld/config/genesis.json pubKey in json is 65 bytes
Configuration is as follows:


“validator_set”: {
“validators”: [
“ID”: “1”,
“startEpoch”: “0”,
“endEpoch”: “0”,
“nonce”: “1”,
“power”: “1”,
“pubKey”: “0x048503e1d613a45fe4c93f645c5607f3a6ab5d8bacdd4b35535ebe64844a86e43fb5bf4f0ec49a2cc0e6f9a27db4b8da27ee47f7f25a25e2229537cb97d6ae2cc2”,
“signer”: “0xd2011cee9ef869ff9cdf297638894e5c55eb1663”,
“last_updated”: “”,
“jailed”: false,
“accum”: “0”


Warehouse address in corresponding contracts/staking/stakeManager/StakeManager.sol in the file contents as follows:

Private Methods

function _getAndAssertSigner(bytes memory pub) private view returns (address) {
    require(pub.length == 64, "not pub");
    address signer = address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(pub))));
    require(signer != address(0) && signerToValidator[signer] == 0, "Invalid signer");
    return signer;


Why Heimdalld corresponding/root/Heimdalld/config/genesis. The json file pubKey is 65 bytes,
And is 64 bytes in