Lisbo Game Decentralized BlockChain Game

Have you heard of $LSB ?
The best of all game!

You can Play by placing a bet/move on one or more slots.

The lowest slot at the end of the game will win & Game will be reset to the next round. This game works by utilizing LSB token.

Why did you choose $LSB games?
Because Each room is unique. Containing different block-to-crash, slots, minimum combinations.

Each Room is a NFT and owner of NFT get % based on the profit generated from the Room.

LSB is Blockchain decentralized game built with love in Polygon/Matic chain

Why do we use Polygon/Matic chain?
Because Matic chain has perfect TPS and blocktime. Making the LSB game transparent and reliable for all users.

We are developing more games, as well as maintaining and upgrading this game.

This will give the LSB token more power and value, and the NFT rooms more profit and generation yield.

Join us and enjoy the game
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Is it up & running? If yes, please share the links. Again, when you build the games focus more on the experience & then tokenomics, it should be vice-versa, remember the axie infinity stuff?