Liquidity Pool on Polygon Amoy Testnet

I am currently testing our governance token on Amoy Testnet and need to simulate the liquidity pool. Is there a DEX/Swap out there compatible with Polygon Amoy Testnet, or do I need to spin up a DEX somehow?

Dr. James Reichenbach
Discord: docreichenbach

There is no DEX on Amoy at the moment. We are looking at deploying a dumb copy of some version of Uniswap’s code and UI just to get things going with basic money legos on Amoy. Stay tuned!

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That’s what I’m trying to build right now to test. I’m running into a wall though. Is it going to keep failing because of how Amoy is built? Should I switch to a different testnet? What solution do I have since we are near moving to audits and production?

What wall are you running into? You mean with trying to make a uniswap clone, or on your own product?

We are beyond local testing of our token and now on testnet, pre audit and pre mainnet deployment. I need to be able to test out liquidity lock contract among other tests that need to pass and be documented. To do that I need to be able to pair my token with POL and add liquidity to create a new LP Token address. I cannot do that without a uniswap clone. I can create the factory, the router, etc. But regardless of how I code it, verified or unverified on Polyscan, something is happening where it crashes out upon “creating pair”. I’m wondering if it has something to do with the Amoy Testnet itself and if I need to go in a different direction.

just ran it and: PS D:\Business\Turds\buttcoin> npx hardhat run scripts/addliquidity.js --network testnet
Using signer: 0x4A93891eea617e2eA3FD2e3Ee13B9D0048E388D9
Validating tokens...
TURDS Decimals: 18
WPOL Decimals: 18
Checking balances...
TURDS Balance: 2500.0
WPOL Balance: 55.0
Checking allowances...
TURDS Allowance: 2500.0
WPOL Allowance: 55.0
Validating router and factory...
Checking for pair existence...
Pair does not exist. Creating pair manually...
Error creating pair: transaction execution reverted (action="sendTransaction", data=null, reason=null, invocation=null, revert=null, transaction={ "data": "", "from": "0x4A93891eea617e2eA3FD2e3Ee13B9D0048E388D9", "to": "0x586A31a288E178369FFF020bA63d2224cf8661E9" }, receipt={ "_type": "TransactionReceipt", "blobGasPrice": null, "blobGasUsed": null, "blockHash": "0x17e2cb1c9c89f7be69d44c281e4096b233d5b9bc0c751e978fd5e97fef9471f6", "blockNumber": 16729723, "contractAddress": null, "cumulativeGasUsed": "791258", "from": "0x4A93891eea617e2eA3FD2e3Ee13B9D0048E388D9", "gasPrice": "96830249994", "gasUsed": "791258", "hash": "0x5a244f9b14ccbfbb62703711cd54eb3b73252dacaf57f5d81e64abc6c490aa4e", "index": 0, "logs": [ { "_type": "log", "address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001010", "blockHash": "0x17e2cb1c9c89f7be69d44c281e4096b233d5b9bc0c751e978fd5e97fef9471f6", "blockNumber": 16729723, "data":

Ok continuing convo in DMs on X, will post resolution here when found

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The problem was gas fee.

TX 1:

TX 2:

Trying to figure out if this is a bug on Amoy’s side with providing current gas situation, or if it’s something in the default hardhat code for how it estimates things. Will post back as I learn more.