Hi, I have use the latest bor snapshot: bor-pruned-snapshot-2021-08-07.tar.gz
with heimdalld snapshot heimdall-snapshot-2021-08-08.tar.gz
to speed up sync.
Heimdalld has synced to the latest, but bor cannot fetch block at all. Bor logs list as below:
t=2021-08-14T14:01:02+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:01:07+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:01:12+0800 lvl=info msg="Looking for peers" peercount=2 tried=6 static=5
t=2021-08-14T14:01:12+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:01:17+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:01:22+0800 lvl=info msg="Looking for peers" peercount=2 tried=13 static=5
t=2021-08-14T14:01:22+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:01:27+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:01:32+0800 lvl=info msg="Looking for peers" peercount=2 tried=9 static=5
t=2021-08-14T14:01:32+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:01:37+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:01:42+0800 lvl=info msg="Looking for peers" peercount=2 tried=6 static=5
t=2021-08-14T14:01:42+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:01:47+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:01:52+0800 lvl=info msg="Looking for peers" peercount=2 tried=9 static=5
t=2021-08-14T14:01:52+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:01:57+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list
t=2021-08-14T14:02:02+0800 lvl=info msg="Retrying again in 5 seconds for next Heimdall span" path=clerk/event-record/list