Would you mind elaborating further on this part of the “advantages”?
#2 is somewhat irrelevant, as the competition for slots is already very fierce (hence it only benefits The Graph if an indexer gets a slot, not the other way around**) and as for #3, the same argument is valid, with an added question you don’t even need to answer: how does a new validator who happens to be a The Graph indexer help decentralize Polygon more than another validator who is not an indexer?
I was going to figure out myself/privately what the advantages to a validator are, but your reply to the question above is condescending at best.
Here’s a better example of how you give back to an ecosystem when you ask for something (mind you that since the Beta ended one can run Pocket nodes and get paid directly): https://forum.polygon.technology/t/pocket-network-creates-free-polygon-rpc-community-endpoints/7726
**Note that while making Polygon’s indexing via The Graph more robust does help Polygon somewhat, it is ultimately up to the Graph to create the incentives to ensure this happens, as it is The Graph who reaps most of the reward for said indexing.