Intro of myself (here from Layer3)

Basic Introduction:
What’s your name (or username), and where are you from? KeyboardYeti, Australia
What drew you to the world of blockchain and Web3? I started out by playing Parallel and have fallen into a degen hole.

Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation.
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey? Gardener, haha I don’t really see many transferable skills.

Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)? Gaming and DeFi
Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative? I still love Parallel and am super excite about the upcoming parallel colony

Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative? I still love Parallel and am super excite about the upcoming parallel colony

As far as innovative goes I don’t think I am qualified enough to know - I mean to me as a but of a ludite it seems like there are heaps of projects all pretty much mirroring eachother (at least in effect, if not tech) hoping to carve out a share of the L2, or the dex, or the perps trading or whatever app each is doing… but yeah, to me as a not particularly tech savvy, unskilled user they mostly seem pretty much identical in what I can make them do…

Far and away the project I am most excited to see come to fruition is parallel colony and I can’t think of any others I am legitimately excited by, though I am trying to find ones that do excite me by engaging with zealy and galxe and layer3 (my favourite of them).

What are the ones that excite you the most?