Heimdall v0.2.8-mumbai (Includes Hardfork)

A new version is available for heimdall. This release contains all changes in v0.2.8 and sets the block height for the hard fork on Mumbai Testnet. It is a hard fork for heimdall. Please upgrade heimdall on all your Mumbai Testnet nodes before block number 10,205,000 which is expected to be mined on Wed, 30th Mar 2022 around 9 AM UTC.

Instructions to Upgrade

These are the instructions to upgrade heimdall on your nodes:

  1. Stop heimdall processes:

    sudo service heimdalld stop
    sudo service heimdalld-rest-server stop
    sudo service heimdalld-bridge stop
  2. Upgrade heimdall to the latest version:

    cd ~/heimdall
    git pull
    git checkout v0.2.8-mumbai
    make install network=mumbai
  3. You should see output like this

    ==================Build Successful==================
  4. Ensure that you are on the latest version:

    heimdalld version
    # It should return
    # v0.2.8-mumbai
  5. Restart heimdall services

    sudo service heimdalld restart
    sudo service heimdalld-rest-server restart
    # Only on validator nodes:
    sudo service heimdalld-bridge restart

Telemetry Setup for Heimdall

These are the instructions to setup telemetry for heimdall to monitor the nodes in https://heimdall-mumbai.vitwit.com/

  1. Clone and setup the config

    git clone https://github.com/vitwit/matic-telemetry.git
    cd matic-telemetry
    mkdir -p ~/.telemetry/config
    cp example.config.toml ~/.telemetry/config/config.toml
  2. Update the config for your node located in ~/.telemetry/config/config.toml. Update the [stats_details] block in config.

    Secret key and net stats ip will remain same as mentioned below. Update the node key with the name of your node.

    secret_key = "heimdall_testnet"
    node = "<node-name>" 
    net_stats_ip = "heimdall-mumbai.vitwit.com:3000"

    Please use the following naming convention for node name:


    • vitwit-mumbai-sentry-ip10_0_0_1
    • infura-mumbai-explorer-1

    unique_identifier is just an identifier for you to distinguish between different nodes you are running (if you have multiple nodes).

  3. Build the binary (from the matic-telemetry directory)

    go mod tidy
    go build -o telemetry
    mv telemetry $GOBIN
  4. Create a service (You can use different service name to resolve conflicts with your local system if any. If you do so, make sure you use that name in subsequent commands below)

    echo "[Unit]
    ExecStart=$(which telemetry)
    WantedBy=multi-user.target" | sudo tee "/lib/systemd/system/telemetry.service"
  5. Start the telemetry service

    sudo systemctl enable telemetry.service
    sudo systemctl start telemetry.service
  6. You can monitor the service using journalctl. If everything works well, it should start exporting metrics.

    journalctl -u telemetry -f
  7. Ensure that your node name is listed in https://heimdall-mumbai.vitwit.com