Heimdall v0.2.7

Instructions to Upgrade

These are the instructions to upgrade heimdall on your nodes:

  1. Upgrade heimdall to the latest version:

    cd ~/heimdall
    git pull
    git checkout v0.2.7
    make install
  2. Ensure that you are on the latest version:

    heimdalld version
    # It should return
    # 0.2.7
  3. Restart heimdalld and heimdalld-rest-server. Keep heimdalld-bridge stopped until further notice:

    sudo service heimdalld restart
    sudo service heimdalld-rest-server restart
    # Make sure bridge is stopped:
    sudo service heimdalld-bridge stop

Troubleshooting Sync Issues

If heimdall is not syncing in your node, please follow these instructions:

  1. Backup your addrbook:

    cd ~/.heimdalld/config
    mv addrbook.json addrbook.json_bkp
  2. Configure new seed nodes in ~/.heimdalld/config/config.toml: Please ensure the previous seed nodes are removed and replace it with the one below

    seeds = "[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656"
  3. Restart heimdall services

    sudo service heimdalld restart
    sudo service heimdalld-rest-server restart
    # Make sure bridge is stopped:
    sudo service heimdalld-bridge stop
  4. Check if you see the latest_block_height is increasing by running this command few times:

    curl localhost:26657/status | grep latest_block_height
    # "latest_block_height": "8590240",

Troubleshooting AppHash Errors

  1. Restart heimdalld and check if you are seeing AppHash errors in heimdall by doing a grep on the logs:

    sudo service heimdalld restart
    journalctl -u heimdalld -n 1000 | grep 'panic: state.AppHash does not match AppHash after replay.'
  2. Skip to Step (3) if you don’t see any output. Only if you see an output in (1) similar to:

    Mar 12 05:06:03 bash[24401]: panic: state.AppHash does not match AppHash after replay. Got ...

    There is an AppHash error and you need to recover from the snapshot by following the instructions in “Recover from Snapshot” section.

  3. Restart heimdall services

    sudo service heimdalld restart
    sudo service heimdalld-rest-server restart
    # Make sure bridge is stopped:
    sudo service heimdalld-bridge stop
  4. Check if you see the latest_block_height is increasing by running this command few times:

    curl localhost:26657/status | grep latest_block_height
    # "latest_block_height": "8590240",

Recover from Snapshot

Please follow the steps mentioned for heimdall in https://forum.polygon.technology/t/snapshot-instructions-for-heimdall-and-bor/2278 if you are seeing app hash errors. Use the latest snapshot from https://snapshots.matic.today/:

Mainnet Heimdall snapshot https://matic-blockchain-snapshots.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/matic-mainnet/heimdall-snapshot-2022-03-12.tar.gz

With heimdall v0.2.7 do we need bor v0.2.14-tmp-span-hotfix or can use v0.2.14 release?

Guidance on discord is to keep using the bor hotfix until we hear otherwise

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with heimdalld v0.2.7, I can not connect to any peers.

yep, it stopped syncing on this block