Heimdall v0.2.7

Instructions to Upgrade

These are the instructions to upgrade heimdall on your nodes:

  1. Upgrade heimdall to the latest version:

    cd ~/heimdall
    git pull
    git checkout v0.2.7
    make install
  2. Ensure that you are on the latest version:

    heimdalld version
    # It should return
    # 0.2.7
  3. Restart heimdalld and heimdalld-rest-server. Keep heimdalld-bridge stopped until further notice:

    sudo service heimdalld restart
    sudo service heimdalld-rest-server restart
    # Make sure bridge is stopped:
    sudo service heimdalld-bridge stop

Troubleshooting Sync Issues

If heimdall is not syncing in your node, please follow these instructions:

  1. Backup your addrbook:

    cd ~/.heimdalld/config
    mv addrbook.json addrbook.json_bkp
  2. Configure new seed nodes in ~/.heimdalld/config/config.toml: Please ensure the previous seed nodes are removed and replace it with the one below

    seeds = "[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656"
  3. Restart heimdall services

    sudo service heimdalld restart
    sudo service heimdalld-rest-server restart
    # Make sure bridge is stopped:
    sudo service heimdalld-bridge stop
  4. Check if you see the latest_block_height is increasing by running this command few times:

    curl localhost:26657/status | grep latest_block_height
    # "latest_block_height": "8590240",

Troubleshooting AppHash Errors

  1. Restart heimdalld and check if you are seeing AppHash errors in heimdall by doing a grep on the logs:

    sudo service heimdalld restart
    journalctl -u heimdalld -n 1000 | grep 'panic: state.AppHash does not match AppHash after replay.'
  2. Skip to Step (3) if you don’t see any output. Only if you see an output in (1) similar to:

    Mar 12 05:06:03 bash[24401]: panic: state.AppHash does not match AppHash after replay. Got ...

    There is an AppHash error and you need to recover from the snapshot by following the instructions in β€œRecover from Snapshot” section.

  3. Restart heimdall services

    sudo service heimdalld restart
    sudo service heimdalld-rest-server restart
    # Make sure bridge is stopped:
    sudo service heimdalld-bridge stop
  4. Check if you see the latest_block_height is increasing by running this command few times:

    curl localhost:26657/status | grep latest_block_height
    # "latest_block_height": "8590240",

Recover from Snapshot

Please follow the steps mentioned for heimdall in https://forum.polygon.technology/t/snapshot-instructions-for-heimdall-and-bor/2278 if you are seeing app hash errors. Use the latest snapshot from https://snapshots.matic.today/:

Mainnet Heimdall snapshot https://matic-blockchain-snapshots.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/matic-mainnet/heimdall-snapshot-2022-03-12.tar.gz

With heimdall v0.2.7 do we need bor v0.2.14-tmp-span-hotfix or can use v0.2.14 release?

Guidance on discord is to keep using the bor hotfix until we hear otherwise

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with heimdalld v0.2.7, I can not connect to any peers.

yep, it stopped syncing on this block