Grant Request by Tree Poetry

Submission Date
January 22, 2022

Project Links

Instagram: Login • Instagram

Project Description

Collaborative Poetry gaming to solve all problems in the world by aiding charities and rewarding participation through creative collectible mechanics

Amount requested
50,000 USD


Implement new coin and airdrop dapp - 2 weeks 10K$

Launch new NFT collections - 1 month 10K$

Implement poetic NFT creation inside game so everyone playing can easily donate their in game content to benefit charities - 2 months 10K$

Build poetic AI dapp to create poetic patterns from random thoughts that get secured and marketed as NFTs - 4 months 10K$

Launch more dapps to secure contribution of ideas so specific tasks are straightforward - 5 months 10K$

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Creating opensource dapps for everyone to use!

The 1st dapp airdrops your polygon tokens to your NFT holders. You can generate snapshots, exclude addresses, add/remove collections and generate disbursement reports.

What else should I have added while the dev is still building it?