I’m very excited for the v2. I hope polygon grant your request and release the game earlier than expected. I have a big trust and hope in the Devs team of sunflower land…
I’m so excited about this.
Best P2E project ever !
I support the project! Great team
Should really be a no-brainer since this is the project that showed major holes in the gas structure for POLY.
Wonderful game, looking forward to the release
The game has everything to be the top 2022 p2e games
I can’t wait to play😁
Can’t wait for the project to come back, great team and great community !!
Can’t wait for new version!
We love sunflower land give him this 100.000usd trust tream i love it
I hope you get the grant. Good luck!
I really hope Polygon support this project to help them create an efficient smart contract so that users in the future not be affected by the recent gas price that hurt the network.
Cant wait for v2!!
I’m looking forward to the game!
Can’t wait for V2, gonna be awesome!
I’m a suporter of this project and can’t wait for the realease. Lets go Polygon and Sunflower Land!
Can’t wait for the V2 I’m very excited
Good Luck Sunflower Land team
Come on Polygon! The best team and project waiting for grant!
I Believe in the project!