I can’t wait for new version of Sunflower V2 Rocks
cant wait for the V2 releaase
Amazing project and game! Excited for the release!
Great proyect with great developers!!, I’m sure it will be amazing!!!
cheer for sunflower !!
i believe in you guys .
SunFlower Land go to the mooonn!!!
Such a great game! I hope it come back soon!
I stand firmly with sunflower land cause it is vision is purely for the people, by the people, with the people.
I LOVE Our cummunity
Coming in Hot LFG
I am extremely looking forward to the release of V2 of the game.
Greetings from Brazil!
I have been looking for a game where you can earn while playing at a very minimal cost, and this is it. I was able to play this game for a few days, and I am missing my cauliflower and the entire farm. Please grant this request so I and other farmers can go back to our little farms, our source of happiness. Thanks!
Go go go sunflower because the sky is the limit.
Can’t wait for the new version, promising game !
Sunflower Land (previously Sunflower Farmers) was the simple farming & crafting game which went viral over the course of 2 weeks. Players could plant crops, chop wood, mine gold and much more to gather the materials needed to craft NFTs.
We went from 100 daily players to over 50,000 and 350K Blockchain accounts.
The game was not perfect, and unfortunately it was abused by bots. We learnt a lot of lessons from our original design and have a solid implementation with off-chain data to improve the scalability and gas fee efficiency.
Our new project, Sunflower Land reaches further than the constraints of Farming. The open source community is building a MetaVerse where content creators can release their own NFTs and eventually gameplay mechanics.
We believe the MetaVerse should be shaped by the players and that is our vision we aim to achieve.
Our Discord community of 60K is patiently waiting for the release of Sunflower Land to begin exploring and building their empire.
very interesting project love it since the beginning can’t wait for the upcoming version
İ am very looking forward for this project.
SFL will be great for ppl of all ages.
Really wanna see how this grows
Sunflower land!!!