Grant Request by NFTime

Submission Date
February 4, 2022

Project Links

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @NFT_ime
Instagram: Login • Instagram

Project Description

First and foremost, NFTime is a unique social media site with a wide range of functions
for NFT holders. It is a blockchain technology platform that allows people to connect with
their friends, favorite artists share their favourite songs and illustrations. All of the above
is kept while maintaining the ownership of the uploaded items and your profile. It is all in
one platform that allows you to talk to your friends, create NFT and earn, NFTime brings
people a step closer.

Amount requested
20,000 USD


Marketing - Marketing expenses for several months on Twitter and google ads - $10,000

Deploying - Deploying existing smart-contracts on Polygon and integration of Polygon Chain with NFTime through Web 3.0 wallets - $10,000