Grant Request by NFTicker

Submission Date
February 10, 2022

Project Links


Project Description

NFTicker - An NFT Portfolio Management tool provides users:

  1. PORTFOLIO - Associate multiple wallets from different blockchains with your profile and get a unified view of your Financial Stats, Inventory valuation, and trade history. Users can use our comprehensive reports to file taxes.

  2. EXPLORE - Scan a variety of on-chain information showcasing the current market trends, factors affecting the price of NFTs, undervalued assets, and hottest upcoming collections.

  3. FOLLOW - Track the real-time activity of successful NFT whales, like and comment on the activity of your friends, and get notifications on your mobile or desktop device.

We are building a blockchain agnostic product for users to dabble in NFTs across any blockchain and still get a holistic view of their entire portfolio.

Amount requested
10,000 USD


  1. Explore Section- Analytics and metrics for some of the top NFT collections on the two chains. This includes collection-related metrics (like floor price, volume, market cap, owners, etc.) and its community data like Twitter/discord followers in tabular format. Also time-series graphs of historical trends (like supply-owner ratio, wash trades, etc.) and snapshot graphs (like top wallets holders ). Estimate of time required - 3weeks. Budget $7000

  2. User NFT Portfolio Section - Users are able to track their entire portfolio by adding multiple wallets and getting a consolidated view of their financial statement, inventory value, and activity log. Estimate of time required - 2 weeks. Budget - $3000