Grant Request by FORT

Submission Date

January 11, 2022

Project Links

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @fort_DeFi

Project Description

Fort Protocol is a decentralized derivatives protocol which allows for gaming between participants and the system. It incorporates financial products, user behaviour and the protocol endogenous token DCU into one protocol.

Users can make their investment decisions and game with the system, based on their analysis of the risk and return of different financial products. The system in turn, can automatically issue or destroy the endogenous token DCU.

The entire protocol is the process of game pricing between participants and the system. We call it the DeFi 3.0 financial system pricing.

Amount Requested

50,000 USD


(1) Early stage (1 month to 3 months)
10K, targeted 10,000 users
(2) Mid-term (3 months to 6 months)
20K, targeted 50,000 users
(3) Late stage (6 months to 1 year)
20K, targeted 100,000 users