Grant Request by Burning Mars

Submission Date

January 10, 2022

Project Links

Discord: Burning Mars | NFT
Youtube: Burning Mars - YouTube
Telegram:Telegram: Contact @burningmars

Project Description

Burning Mars is an exclusive metaverse created and designed for 10,000 members only. A decentralized Metaverse where everything imaginable is possible.
Burning Mars has been inspired by Burning Man’s values: freedom, community, cooperation, fantasy, passion and daring with a touch of madness.
A virtual space where you can make your fantasies come true! Even better, it will coexist with an annual physical mega event… somewhere on earth.
Each member will be the owner of a plot where they become the creator and develop an experience, sculpture, monument or any construction they want to. Each plot will have its own link and domain so that it can easily be shared on the owner’s social networks and platforms. Burning Mars will contain a NFT marketplace so that each member who wishes can market their products or experiences.
The metaverse will be governed by its 10,000 members under a DAO system. (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).
Burning Mars will be hosted in a secret and exciting location that will be revealed a week before its launch.
Burning Mars will operate under its own crypto token, which will be the official currency of the Metaverse and will be launched on the market through an ICO.

Amount Requested

15.000 USD


Marketing campaign / social media influencers: 15K

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