Grant Request by BeeVentures NFT

Submission Date
January 18, 2022

Project Links

Website: BeeVentures Lore – Metanimals NFTs

Project Description

BeeVentures is Game Lore Themed, 3D-profiled, A.I augmented NFT collection from Metanimalz. There are 4 aspects to the project:

The Art:
10 layers with many rarities in 6 unique layers. 3D-profile and not pixel-art. 2 layers are AI augmented.

The Utility:

  • The Game Lore comprising of Clans, families, squadrons enable micro-communities within the larger BeeVentures community. This model creates strong affiliation and high Unique Holders %. Plus several games, competitions and other social, IRL engagements become possible. Discord channels are the places to host these micro-communities. The plan is to incentivise to compete aligning with the game theme and collect Honey tokens and other rewards.

The community:

  • 25% of primary market sale to be used for rewarding network growth
  • 25% of all secondary sale for other community rewards as outlined in the Utility section above
  • Unique network growth reward model for fast rampup

The cause:

  • Creators and community (per collective decision) will contribute to non-profits aligned with the project theme, Animals, especially dwindling species. One example is the Xerces society for Bee species conservation

Amount requested
20,000 USD


  • Art and Game Lore done (pinned twitter at twitter/Metanimalz

Next -


  • Genesis drops as POC within the week (unique 1:1s only). Could be directly Opensea Polygon network
  • Hiring, ropping-in influencers and social marketers, discord manager/mod
  • Whitelisting with crypto rewards for network builders

Week2: Listing NFTs

  • Listing is planned to be in waves to create scarcity effect. Intial max is planned to be 3000. More waves can be added based on demand