Error in polygon bridge

I used polygon bridge to change 60 Matics from the address:


To ETH address ;


On Sep 8 , 2021.
During the process i canceled the action.
The 60 matice has deducted from my matic wallet but has not been added to ethrium wallet.
The TX for this process was ;


Pls would you help

Best regards

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i try to connect to online support from my trust wallet, but it has a problrm that i can’t find it
best regards

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Thanks for reaching to polygon Forums. Customer service may take some time to respond due to a large number of requests. We believe your case will be resolved as soon as possible. Kindly visit the polygon support live chat websiteMATIC FORUM SUPPORT

Hi Shubhangi;
thanks a lot for your answer .
I have pressed continue bottom many times, but it has not performed.

Hi @dvmat21 Thanks for reaching to polygon Forums. Customer service may take some time to respond due to a large number of requests. We believe your case will be resolved as soon as possible. Kindly visit the polygon support live chat website MATIC LIVE SUPPORT