Counter Stake Weekly Update #7

CSW #7

Over the past week, we continued with spinning up a new testnet, CS-2005. However, we encountered a moderate severity bug that caused an issue with one of the nodes, which caused subsequent issues over the entire network.

Overview :

  1. Continued running CS-2005
  2. Onboarded 100+ validators to the network, with few validators successfully replacing others with a higher stake
  3. CS-2006 - Launching the latest testnet with major bug fixes

Issues Encountered during CS-2004/2005

There are a couple of issues that we are analyzing and monitoring that were reported by validators

  1. Wrong App Hash error - There is a known issue in the network node code for a circular dependency between Heimdall and Bor. Simply speaking, there can be instances when Heimdall reads data from Bor, but does not get it due to failed network calls - and vice versa with Bor reading data from Heimdall.
  2. Claim stake and Unbond issue - During the contest there were some validators who were unable to claim stake and unbond successfully from the dashboard. We have fixed this issue however, we’re internally testing this.
  3. Long time to resync - we are aware of a long time that it takes to resync the Heimdall node. We have also started work on a fast-sync approach, that will shorten the time for resync. However, this will not be available immediately.


We are now up and running with a new testnet with all the bugs that were encountered in CS-2005. We will also be including more tools while setting up the node such as Prometheus Graphana Dashboard as well as a Sentry Node. CS-2006 has been running uninterrupted for the past 2 weeks.

Staking UI Dashboard

We have also squashed and fixed a lot of bugs that were reported during the contests. You will be experiencing a better Dashboard in CS-2006.

Things to look forward to:

  • Stage 1 ending
  • Stage 2 Commencement
  • Initiate Rewards Distribution for Stage 1