Counter Stake Weekly Update #3

CSW #3

Over the past week, we announced a new testnet, i.e. CS-2003 with bug fixes for the previous testnet that we encountered. During the setup of the testnet, we had already staked 30+ validators to the network and had invited an additional 60+ validators to join the network.

Overview :

  1. Launched CS-2003 with bug fixes and enhancements from CS-2002
  2. Onboarded 80+ validators to the network
  3. Allowed validators to add themselves as Peer


CS-2003 was the latest testnet in the ongoing Counter Stake program. CS-2003 was a testnet where we were able to onboard more than 80 validators at a time. The testnet was running successfully without any issues for 4 days.

Issues Encountered during CS-2003

  1. The first issue that we had encountered was a medium severity issue which was causing a failure on the Bor node for some of the validators. This issue was caused because we had set a fixed hard limit of gas for a transaction and this is causing some problems when more validators get added to the network and the gas limit crosses the maximum threshold. The fix was provided to issue immediately and most of the validators were able to run their nodes again without any issues.
  2. The second issue that we encountered was where some validators were experiencing ProposalBlock is invalid... . This issue was primarily caused because of a fork on the blockchain and some validators were unable to get the latest transactions while others were on a different chain. We have already fixed this issue too, however, we are still internally testing this entire module before we release it to the public.


We are planning to release a new testnet with all the bug fixes that we encountered in CS-2003. We will also be adding new features to this testnet which we will be announcing when CS-2004 is in motion. As mentioned earlier, we will be internally testing the new testnet.

Things to look forward to:

  • Mini Contests - We’ll be running mini-contests for validators to earn more rewards.
  • New Features to be added and tested for the validator community.
  • Initiate Rewards Distribution
  • Ankr One-click-setup - Easy setup of Matic Node without going through the pain of installing different components.