Counter Stake - Stage 2 Winners

As we have already announced previously, we have concluded Stage 2 of Counter Stake. We also have announced that our Mainnet is up and running and that we would be rolling it out in phases… You can read our detailed blog post here:

We have winners for 4 Primary Categories:

  • Uptime Calculation
  • Sentry and Grafana Outputs
  • Throughput Testing
  • Buddy Program

Uptime calculation
We have calculated uptime based on participation in all testnets (CS2006, CS2007, and CS2008) whilst maintaining and running a node for the duration of all testnets. All downtimes because of bugs and internal issues are disregarded.

Sentry and Grafana Output
During CS2008 we had initiated Sentry setup for running a node. We had requested proofs of Sentry and Grafana setups by taking screenshots of the Grafana Dashboard. Those who provided proofs have been listed in the Spreadsheet below.

*Throughput Testing
The throughput testing was initiated by the Matic team wherein large blocks were intentionally propagated to the network to understand if the nodes would accept them. We had no problems during these tests and no-one from the Validator Community responded with any errors. The prize pool is distributed amongst all validators.

Buddy Program
We are extremely thankful for Shai, OkeSip, and Virge in helping out community members out in resolving their problems and also helping us out in Support.

We thank everyone who participated in all the Stages of Counter Stake and Making this a huge success for us and for the community. It is your feedback and support that helped us launch the Mainnet successfully.

Please note that, as mentioned earlier during the start of Stage 1, the rewards payout will be in Matic Tokens only.

The winner’s list is mentioned in a Google Spreadsheet:

To all the people that are on the list, please verify that your addresses that we have listed are correct. This is the same address that you used during registration with us. We will be transferring the funds to these addresses only.

If you have any change in address, please DM Delroy on Discord. If you find any discrepancies, please DM Delroy on Discord.

Matic Team