Counter Stake - New Testnet CS-2003

Hey @everyone

As you all know we had made an announcement earlier last week that we will be spinning up to a new testnet today because of the issues we encountered. We have now spinned up a new testnet and this is what we are going to do.

We have already staked the required amount for the following validators:

|@Marius | Ubik Capital#9009|0xC869a1389cab3594175f7a017e4b932C9E982434|
|@Steve G | Zawadi#6453 |0xd01ffAfa008Ad7753Cf00F6d77d65d8A3EBB15ac|
|@Ionut S. | Chainode Capital#8971|0x7Ae61c696696398FE100E0F813F96FFafE5Dad4d|
|@Kasper | Newroad|0x78162309525D2A692F1ca2Edf764705Cb6ba8DcC|
|@divyan73#2424 |0xceb5e3f7b79e1437cc48acade00726e9c5da8e3d|
|@nshrd#3066 |0x0796e37e28356d3438b7428240b7b914dcaede39|

What this means is basically for the validators mentioned here, we have already made them validators and staked the required amount. All they will need to do is to setup their node using the guide here: []

Before you start setting up your new node, you need to make sure that you use the same address and the same private key that you used earlier. If you use a different address, you will have to stake again.

For others who are not part of the above list, don’t worry. You will have to go through the entire process of setting up your node and completing the staking process either through CLI or through the dashboard.

Please make sure that you delete all remnants of Heimdall and Bor from your machine to make sure that you have a successful setup.

  1. All you have to do is to first stop your Heimdall and Bor nodes along with the bridge and rest server.

To stop Heimdall and Bor process you can run the following commands:

For Linux packages :

Stop Heimdall: sudo service heimdalld stop

Stop Bor: sudo service bor stop or

  1. ps -aux | grep bor . Get the PID for Bor and then run the following command.
  2. sudo kill -9 PID

For Binaries :

Stop Heimdall: pkill heimdalld

Stop Bridge: pkill heimdalld-bridge

Stop Bor: Go to CS-2002/bor and then run, bash [](<>)

Then you will need to delete all directories for Bor and Heimdall to make sure all remnants are removed from your machine. To do that:

For Linux packages : Delete Heimdall: sudo rm -rf /etc/heimdall/*

Delete Bor: sudo rm -rf /etc/bor/*

For Binaries :

Delete Heimdall: sudo rm -rf ~/.heimdall/

Delete Bor: sudo rm -rm ./bor

Once you have done these steps, you can then proceed to setting up your node by following the same steps as before with the new testnet:

The list of other validators is here:

|@Albert Chon#2889 |0xa40f62DCDB922CE501cEb5062D2bF45DB2291535|
|@Matt Harrop / Figment Network#7027|0x730Bb7A959BE493D4F3bb960185Ea0df989D4A7F|
|@Shen | Bi23#6675|0xc78a748DcCBD806ae782EB3b8590ae7d162E5A90|
|@niuniu | Bit Cat#9001|0x9Beebb1230D10a4fD6D0b0BcdF3a68f0b0364F55|

How to setup your node:

We currently have setup configurations for Linux and Binaries.

  1. Setup your Heimdall and Bor nodes -
    Linux Packages -
    Binary Packages -

We would suggest you to clear/delete all previous instances of Heimdall and Bor and only then start the setup.

Once you have setup your nodes you will need to stake on Matic to become a validator.

  1. Stake on Matic -

We also have our Validator Dashboard up and running:

You can stake on Matic using the dashboard as well as view all validator details in one single screen.

We have already sent tokens to the all the remaining validators.

CS-2003 details here:
Heimdall chainID: heimdall-cs2003
Bor chainID: 2003
Staking testnet tokens contract address on Ropsten:

In case of any queries, please refer to the rules and regulations for Stage 1 here:
[Communications & Reporting Issues for Counter Stake]

Note: If you’re running a full node, we recommend not setting it up on a laptop

Happy Staking!