Bor v1.0.6 + Heimdall v1.0.2 Mumbai and Mainnet (ACTION REQUIRED)

Dear Validators,

New versions of Bor v1.0.6 and Heimdall v1.0.2 for mumbai and mainnet have been released.

These include some fixes on top of the previous versions that were rolled out in the previous versions (bor v1.0.4 and heimdall v1.0.1)

IMPORTANT: If you are yet to upgrade to recent releases bor v1.0.4 and heimdall v1.0.1:

You can upgrade straight to these new versions however you must upgrade bor first, then heimdall.
Please also ensure that: heimdalld service file contains the —-chain=< network > flag (mumbai or mainnet).

  • The heimdalld service file is available at /etc/systemd/system/heimdalld.service *

If you are already on v.1.0.4 and v1.0.1 please also proceed using the following steps.

Instructions to Upgrade

Steps for Upgrading Bor

  1. Stop bor service

    sudo service bor stop
  2. Install Bor with a version tag, network name (mumbai or mainnet), and node type (sentry, validator, or archive).

    # Replace the node type
    curl -L | bash -s -- v1.0.6 <network> <node_type>
  3. Check bor version

    /usr/bin/bor version
    # It should print 
    # 1.0.6
  4. Restart bor service

    sudo service bor start

Steps for Upgrading Heimdall

Before proceeding, please create a backup of your heimdall config file whose default location is: /var/lib/heimdall/config/config.toml. This might differ if you have setup heimdall at a different location.

  1. Stop heimdalld service

    sudo service heimdalld stop
  2. Install Heimdall with a version tag, network name (mumbai or mainnet), and node type (sentry or validator).

    # Replace the network and node type
    curl -L | bash -s -- v1.0.2 <network> <node_type>
  3. Check heimdall version

    /usr/bin/heimdalld version
    # It should print
    # 1.0.2
  4. Restart heimdall service

    sudo service heimdalld start
  5. Restart the telemetry services

    sudo service telemetry restart

Docker Images

You can find the latest docker images here:

Bor: Docker


Bor Changelog

Compared to version v1.0.4, the following features and improvements have been implemented.

Heimdall Changelog

Compared to version v1.0.1, the following features and improvements have been implemented.


Polygon Team

1 Like

So far everything I’ve upgraded on multiple machines to bor1.0.6 or erigon 2.51.0 has resulted in corrupted data. Upgrading mainnet bor results in

INFO [10-07|21:01:14.745] GRPC Server started                      addr=[::]:3131
INFO [10-07|21:01:14.745] Set global gas cap                       cap=50,000,000
INFO [10-07|21:01:14.746] Allocated trie memory caches             clean=614.00MiB dirty=1024.00MiB
INFO [10-07|21:01:15.270] Using leveldb as the backing database 
INFO [10-07|21:01:15.270] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/var/lib/bor/bor/chaindata cache=2.00GiB handles=524,288 compactionTableSize=2,097,152 compactionTableSizeMultiplier=1.000 compactionTotalSize=10,485,760 compactionTotalSizeMultiplier=10.000
INFO [10-07|21:01:19.596] Using LevelDB as the backing database 
INFO [10-07|21:01:19.596] Found legacy ancient chain path          location=/var/lib/bor/bor/chaindata/ancient
INFO [10-07|21:01:19.649] Opened ancient database                  database=/var/lib/bor/bor/chaindata/ancient readonly=false
Chain metadata
  databaseVersion: 8 (0x8)
  headBlockHash: 0x2fe73e6fc8b71c49c6c53f5bc0d03701be47c242eba206710c40583820b72949
  headFastBlockHash: 0x2fe73e6fc8b71c49c6c53f5bc0d03701be47c242eba206710c40583820b72949
  headHeaderHash: 0x2fe73e6fc8b71c49c6c53f5bc0d03701be47c242eba206710c40583820b72949
  lastPivotNumber: <nil>
  len(snapshotSyncStatus): 0 bytes
  snapshotDisabled: false
  snapshotJournal: 5133427 bytes
  snapshotRecoveryNumber: 48226875 (0x2dfe23b)
  snapshotRoot: 0x58a719f12a42ad2999ae131213c51fc9ffe210e7571de20f06544934d82dfc40
  txIndexTail: 19438292 (0x1289ad4)
  fastTxLookupLimit: <nil>

gap in the chain between ancients [0 - #19438291] and leveldb [#48137092 - #48448206] 

upgrgading mainnet erigon results in:

[EROR] [10-07|20:24:55.170] Staged Sync                              err="runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference, trace: [stageloop.go:104 panic.go:890 panic.go:260 signal_unix.go:841 milestone.go:221 milestone.go:82 service.go:122 stage_bor_heimdall.go:209 default_stages.go:70 sync.go:425 sync.go:326 stageloop.go:148 stageloop.go:70 asm_amd64.s:1598]"
[EROR] [10-07|20:24:55.990] Staged Sync                              err="runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference, trace: [stageloop.go:104 panic.go:890 panic.go:260 signal_unix.go:841 milestone.go:221 milestone.go:82 service.go:122 stage_bor_heimdall.go:209 default_stages.go:70 sync.go:425 sync.go:326 stageloop.go:148 stageloop.go:70 asm_amd64.s:1598]"

upgrgading mumbai bor resulted in a bunch of inserting known blocks, basically resyncing from 0

In each case I upgraded from v1.0.4 and heimdall v1.0.1 to v1.0.6 and v.1.0.2 respectively, at the same time not bor first, as I was already at the latest. No additional config changes made, as none were recommended here or in the githubs. I always stop via docker compose stop -t 500 to shut down bor before upgrading or maintenance. System specs are not an issue. Very frustrated.