Bor v1.0.0-beta and Heimdall v1.0.0-beta Mumbai Release

Hello All,

We are releasing a new version of Bor v1.0.0-beta and Heimdall v1.0.0-beta for Mumbai Testnet. This includes Aalborg hardfork on Heimdall which is scheduled for September 12th, 2023. With this hardfork, the “Milestones” feature will be activated which offers faster deterministic finality.

For more information please refer PIP-11: Deterministic finality via Milestones

Instructions to Upgrade

Please upgrade Bor to v1.0.0-beta before upgrading Heimdall to v1.0.0-beta on all nodes (validator, sentry/full nodes and archive nodes).

Steps for upgrading Bor node

  1. Stop bor service

    sudo service bor stop
  2. Install Bor with a version tag, network name (mumbai), and node type (sentry, validator, or archive).

    # Replace the node type
    curl -L | bash -s -- v1.0.0-beta mumbai <node_type>
  3. Check bor version

    /usr/bin/bor version
    # It should print 
    # v1.0.0-beta
  4. Restart bor service

    sudo service bor start

Steps for upgrading Heimdall node

Before proceeding, please create a backup of your heimdall config.toml.

  1. Stop heimdalld service

    sudo service heimdalld stop
  2. Install Heimdall with a version tag, network name (mumbai), and node type (sentry or validator).

    # Replace the network and node type
    curl -L | bash -s -- v1.0.0-beta mumbai <node_type>
  3. Check heimdall version

    /usr/bin/heimdalld version
    # It should print 
    # 1.0.0-beta
  4. Please make sure the heimdalld service file has —-chain=mumbai flag for the mumbai node.

    The heimdalld service is available at /etc/systemd/system/heimdalld.service

    You can use the following as reference:
    For validator node:

    For sentry or full node:

  5. Restart heimdall service

    sudo service heimdalld start

Bor Changelog

Compared to previous version v0.5.0-beta-6 , the following features and improvements have been implemented. (Checkout the v1.0.0-beta tag on GitHub for more information)

What’s Changed

Heimdall Changelog

Compared to last stable version v0.4.5-beta , the following features and improvements have been implemented. (Checkout the 1.0.0-beta tag on GitHub for more information)

Docker Images

You can find the latest docker images here:

Bor: Docker



Polygon Team

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