Amoy Testnet Error

I am using amoy tesnet and I am getting the specific error almost for all transactions " Transaction was not mined within 50 blocks, please make sure your transaction was properly sent. Be aware that it might still be mined!"
The solutions I got were to increase the gasLimit and gas price. I have increase that my current gas limit is : 500000 and gas price is 100 gwei, along with this I increase the gas price from the metamask still that error occurs.
Is there any other solution to this error, I got in touch with the metamask support , they did possible analysis from their side to which they said it might be an issue from amoy side.
Let me know if there is any possible other solution to this issue.

Hi, we’ll need more info - what kind of TX is it, which RPC are you using, is this error on chain or does it never make it to the chain, etc?

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I am using this rpc

This was give to me by polygon team itself I had raised a ticket almost a month back I guess…thats time they had asked me to check it.
Right now the transactions are going sucessful because I have added gas prive from the code

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What are you trying to do exactly? Can you show us some of the failed TXs if there are some to be seen on the explorer? If not, can you give us the contract you’re trying to call and the settings you’re calling on it so we can reproduce?

Hey guys… :wave:

As per me, Given that the transaction is still not being mined, there could be a few other factors at play.

  • Network Congestion
  • Node Issues
  • Transaction Nonce
  • Metamask Configuration

Since you’ve already reached out to Metamask support and they suspect it could be an issue on Amoy’s end, you might want to contact the Amoy testnet support team directly for more targeted assistance.

I hope this will help you!

Thanks in advance! :innocent:

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Tell us more about the problem. TX ID, what are you trying to do, maybe some links you can share, or steps to reproduce?