Accidentally sent ETH to MATIC contract token address

Hello all,

I have a wallet with Exodus (address is 0x1c975b1ef3116053aa1acba441235d4174dbc66a) which I used to transfer around 0.1 ETH on August 12 around noon (EST time) but I accidentally sent to the contract token address on polygon network (0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619) and the transfer is successfully completed. This was on Ethereum mainnet network.

I was wondering if I can transfer this amount back to my wallet? Or any way for me to get this amount back.

Here is the transaction hash: Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan

I also have another wallet on Matic network 0xa961A3C0a0AA8380DC4FEB52Ce31E38cB0B38C91 and with a balance of 0.08 WETH but this balance is not the same as the transfer of 0.1 ETH I did around 5 days ago. Was hoping to see that 0.1 ETH in that wallet but no luck.

Has anyone gone through something similar? If so, were you able to get your transaction back?

Thank you so much!

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