Got it, Is this going to happen internally with the team or can I also get involved in someway?
Village development is internal right now.
Got it, few things from my side
- Build the product thinking from the community angle, one of the features I would be excited about is basically an interface where the community can view all the polygon village products & rate/vote on them.
- Discussion forum where village projects can post the roadblocks & experts from the community can help them with the right incentives aligned ofc, may it be the stake or the bounty kind of stuff.
- Product where village projects can track the status of the grant/vouchers…etc
The future looks bright.
@Mateusz - it might be worth following along the research & exploration work being done under the Summer of Protocols. It’s an EF-sponsored initiative to broaden the study of protocols – looks refreshingly interdisciplinary. It just kicked off recently and there could be a lot of relevant learnings from their work (which will be done in the open and likely quite well-documented).
Thank you for pointing this out, @randomishwalk!
I must say that the reading list for that program is a great resource already. I’m looking forward to the final outcomes.
On the topic of meta governance, is there a pip for how different types of pip proposals should be structured and should there also be a recommendation section for how to implement or use a certain pip?
I believe you are looking for PIP -1 and PIP-8.
Feel free to check out the wiki, as it explains everything about PIPs in different sections and includes FAQs.
Congrats to everyone here, I can’t wait to see how this evolves.
What are some existing models or frameworks for public goods funding in the blockchain industry? How can these models be applied to Polygon to support the maintenance and growth of decentralized infrastructure?
sir i dont understand to use
Thank you for posting this information, looking forward to hearing more in the coming weeks.
The polygon village seems a nice place for discussions!
A massive congratulations to the Polygon team from Aragon. Kicking off this unbelievably important initiative will undoubtedly be closely watched by the entire industry and hopefully be used as an example for future protocol DAOs in similar transitional stages.
Polygon and Aragon have been working closely together for years and have helped over 4000 DAOs launch on Polygon PoS. A first step in providing access to DAO tooling for mass adoption.
There are often debates about the who, what, where, when, and why of DAOs but some truths have persevered throughout this short history, and that is: if assets continue to move onchain then DAOs will be required to secure these assets (both funds and protocols). Polygon is a prime example of an organisation that needs to secure these assets through onchain governance.
We are happy to see that Polygon has passed many of the stages of a tokenised organisation including having built a sizeable treasury, ecosystem/community, and has strong protocol market fit. This is part of the path towards progressive decentralisation and will set a future Polygon DAO or DAOs up for success. Token incentive design is one of the most important aspects for securing ones governance and is fundamental for building DAO resiliency.
We recommend to continue working on these aspects to ensure continuity of resiliency throughout the DAOification process and beyond. Furthermore, we’ve worked with thousands of DAOs and building with modularity and flexibility in mind will allow for continuous improvement as the DAO evolves. Many DAOs have suffered from this inability to change and adapt due to a lack of long-term thinking and inflexible tooling. This is something we are trying to improve everyday.
We look forward to participating in this conversation and supporting Polygon in anyway we can to achieve your goals. After all, you provide a crucial service to the entirety web3, including to Aragon DAOs themselves.
Thank you!
-Anthony from Aragon