PROPOSAL: Validator Performance Management

Further to the conversation and considering the feedback received, the information received has been transposed into the following technical document:

Validator Performance Metrics

  • The performance benchmark (“PB”) is 98% of the Median Average of checkpoints signed by Validators in the Measurement period (“MP”).

  • The MP is the last 700 checkpoints on a rolling basis.

  • Currently this data is shown on Polygon Web Wallet v2 and is based on the last 200 checkpoints (this can be changed to 700 checkpoints).

  • At each checkpoint we calculate the % of checkpoints signed in the MP by each validator and measure against the PB.

Scenario of Validator Underperformance:

The scenario below assumes that the median average of validator performance is 100%, meaning the PB is 98%.

If a Validator falls below the PB in the MP (700 checkpoints ~14 days)

  • Validator A signed 95% of checkpoints in the MP.

  • Validator A enters into the Grace Period (“GP”).

  • They receive a notice stating they have 700 checkpoints to rectify; or they will receive a Notice of Deficiency (“NOD”) .

If a Validator falls Below the PB for a further 700 checkpoints (1400 checkpoints total / ~28 days)

  • In the following 700 checkpoints, Validator A signed 90% of checkpoints.

  • Validator A receives the NOD, stating; “You have not been compliant with the PB for 1400 checkpoints. If not compliant with PB in the following 700 checkpoints you will receive a Final Notice (“FN”) and be kicked with no further resource".

If a Validator falls Below the PB for a further 700 checkpoints (2800 checkpoints total / ~42 days)

  • In the following 700 checkpoints , Validator A signed 92% of checkpoints.

  • Validator A receives a FN of the intent of the community to implement a forced exit procedure by offboarding the validator from the network by unbonding their stake.