Not sync bor with bootnodes

I have started heimdall and syned. I have synced heimdall, but when i start the bor node, the node syncing is pending. Always failed with err is not a part of the producer set at bloc and Synchronisation failed . I guess bootnodes is wrong, but I’m using the official documentation. Can anyone give me some advice?

This is my sync related config:

  • –maxpeers=200
  • –maxpendpeers=10000
    –bootnodes “enode://0cb82b395094ee4a2915e9714894627de9ed8498fb881cec6db7c65e8b9a5bd7f2f25cc84e71e89d0947e51c76e85d0847de848c7782b13c0255247a6758178c@,enode://88116f4295f5a31538ae409e4d44ad40d22e44ee9342869e7d68bdec55b0f83c1530355ce8b41fbec0928a7d75a5745d528450d30aec92066ab6ba1ee351d710@”

error messages:
########## BAD BLOCK #########
Chain config: {ChainID: 137 Homestead: 0 DAO: DAOSupport: false EIP150: 0 EIP155: 0 EIP158: 0 Byzantium: 0 Constantinople: 0 Petersburg: 0 Istanbul: 3395000, Muir Glacier: 3395000, Berlin: 14750000, London: 23850000, Engine: bor}

Number: 26426183
Hash: 0xadeb12991dc06966638cbd433fa84e937d0dd79747da36cdfaaf602311dc91f2

Error: Signer 0xc76bb7ddc85a7e90db96d61ee13f4d5488906514 is not a part of the producer set at block 26425345

WARN [04-05|08:03:23.344] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer peer=adf9bcba775e1751502eb413c7e170795909b3fac596b7896963e181ddd3c8d2 err=“retrieved hash chain is invalid: Signer 0xc76bb7ddc85a7e90db96d61ee13f4d5488906514 is not a part of the producer set at block 26425345”
WARN [04-05|08:03:23.385] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer peer=f62a181f9db351a8ae1ed57c9f56719828c08f240ca090ad2ab930f4c82cc761 err=“action from bad peer ignored: returned headers 192 != requested 1”
ERROR[04-05|08:03:27.091] Snapshot extension registration failed peer=a05e766c err=“peer connected on snap without compatible eth support”
WARN [04-05|08:03:29.481] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer peer=f62a181f9db351a8ae1ed57c9f56719828c08f240ca090ad2ab930f4c82cc761 err=timeout

I checked the BOR version and found that the problem was caused by using the earlier version. The synchronization has been completed. Thanks!

which bor version you are using

the same issue
my bootnodes is that :
–bootnodes “enode://320553cda00dfc003f499a3ce9598029f364fbb3ed1222fdc20a94d97dcc4d8ba0cd0bfa996579dcc6d17a534741fb0a5da303a90579431259150de66b597251@”

and I try to use your bootnodes but occurs the same issue