Great post, buddy. Appreciate you.
Wow! This is packed with information! I’ll save it to read again
Thanks for the post it is filled with a lot of great information. One thing to note: ETH will be the native token for their zk solutions. We don’t know how MATIC will play a role yet
You are 100 percent correct. I apologise for the error I made during the initial article release. Undoubtedly, I must soon create an updated version of this.
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Yep, polygon is pretty awesome.
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Maybe we turn this into a community-driven, annual refresh on the Polygon ecosystem. What do you think @pedro_nv? Feels like a lot for you to shoulder alone wrt updating & refreshing. Would be great to get someone technical from one of the Polygon teams (zk, studio, etc) involved as well with this annual refresh.
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